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Everything posted by Weathernoob335

  1. ANOTHER APRIL SNOW? what the fuck Seriously, do this in jan/Feb or gtfo with that shit
  2. No depth stick or white table, yea I know I know, HERETIC gun to head, looks like 3 inches or so, hard to tell with all the wind we had How much you two get? @HoarfrostHubb @ineedsnow
  3. But will it switch overnight, that's the question Nam says "ehhhh, not really" Everyone else says yes We watch As for obs: still sleeting, minor accums only from where the pingers bounced off the roofs of houses, and some areas that had some weird squally type behavior
  4. Ah, alright, I just quickly looked at the two since I'm busy today
  5. Nam says barely any snow, hrrr says we go pound town I love how we're actually technically in the event and the models STILL can't agree
  6. Sleeting here, no accum Gun to weenie? I'm calling 3 to 6 of slush/sleet/mix crap
  7. I'm right on the border but the northern trends need to stall
  8. Trends aren't instilling much confidence in a bust high for me currently
  9. Despite this it still looks like a decent amount of snow on kuchera, but is that even reliable in these marginal storms? The last storm we got says not even close, hrrr was also bullish and way off last storm for me
  10. Was just saying this morning it's probably going to sleet to high heaven at my location, that may actually happen, yikes
  11. Idk who this yogi bear is but he can stop stealing my QPF pies
  12. Got work, will see how this trended overnight, not pleased something else is agreeing with glue factory nam, even if it's glue factory euro, real curious how the other models trend
  13. Kev would have to make a field trip to observe all the damage, yeah I'm definitely worried about the winds
  14. I think schools canceling for most of the rt2 corridor north is a given, maybe less so in the valley
  15. Not sure how much I buy hrrr, seems bullish so far, meanwhile nam I'm not sure I buy either, seems too conservative, it's neat, one model showing a bust high and another showing a bust low
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