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About Weathernoob335

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Location:
    NE Franklin County

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  1. Snowing again, replenishing some of what I lost to melting
  2. Damn... just looked out the window... I think I got more snow here at home than most storms last year! WTF happen?? I probably got 4 or 5 inches right now!
  3. Long time no see my friends, snowing decent here, probably got a coating / 1/2 inch right now, just above melting at 33F, glad I switched jobs so now I don't have to plow it, I can sit inside, stay warm and watch it fall kudos to those who work in it, it just wasn't for me
  4. Dave Hayes! I love that guy I feel out of the loop, maybe it's because I only pay attention when there's potential for severe wx... is Dave here too?
  5. I'm just waiting for Murphys law to kick in and jack the track back east and wash me out of my vacation in New Hampshire...
  6. Long time no see, been busy and these storms dont garner as much attention from me like snowstorms, but geez this is a pretty active time for new england!
  7. Reminds me, I need to visit the nautilus and aquarium down there again soon Unrelated: glad gfs seems to have figured life out
  8. If you're confused like I was it's for the 27th not the 20th
  9. Was reading twitter (I know I know) and saw someone post the GFS, WTF PULL THE PLUG ... watch as it fuckin verfies... goddamnit we just dewinterized the trucks
  10. For a few moments atleast, it won't last but enjoyed it nonetheless
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