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Everything posted by smokeybandit

  1. This widespread heavy rain event predicted looks to be a gigantic bust.
  2. I can't imagine the quake has anything to do with the rain. It wasn't that much rain, and not that much rain had fallen when the quake happened.
  3. Hopefully the last surge of heat for the season. "Only" 90 in my back yard, thankfully.
  4. I flew in last night and we had to take quite a detour to get around those storms
  5. I've gotten an inch total with the last 3 days of storms.
  6. I was getting 1.5" per hour rates in the afternoon round of storms. Just a hair south was probably getting double that and a recently repaired stretch of road that got washed out in June got washed out again
  7. I flew in last night and spent about an hour in a hold pattern waiting for storms to clear to land. Then got soaked walking across the parking lot to our car.
  8. Just .25"/.5" hail here. Though enough to clog gutters and making my yard a river again. I was eyeing that cell though willing it die out, which it did.
  9. 1.5" overnight with some rates reaching near 1.5" per hour Avoided the hail though, thankfully, and avoided the training that other areas got
  10. I'm up to 12-13" since May 1. I think 14" or so is the annual average around here.
  11. Half an hour of heavy pea sized hail clogged my gutter and every gutter in the houses on the hill above me. I briefly had waterfront property.
  12. Looks like it could be a rough day SE of Denver today.
  13. Up to 1.5" for the weekend here and another slug of rain still on the way.
  14. Last night we got lucky with a line of storms forming right overhead, got a quarter inch before it started moving NE and terrorizing the plains. Metro area getting hammered today, though it doesn't look like any of that will make it here, though the HRRR didn't think it would anyway.
  15. It's bizarre to see the dry creek beds flowing like a mountain stream
  16. After recording just over 6" (which based on NWS reports, is an undercount), the sun is out. Looks like my area is the sweet spot
  17. A snow storm with this moisture would be fun, yet terrifying at the same time. It'd be a major disaster
  18. We had golf ball sized hail (never experienced that before, not fun, luckily only superficial damage) and now nearing 6" of rain. In the high plains desert of Colorado!
  19. 3.5 inches total before halftime. And this little Ambient Weather station probably is underreporting.
  20. 1.68" of rain so far. Looks like around midnight last night a particularly juicy cell came through.
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