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Everything posted by smokeybandit

  1. HRRR barely has a round 1 for the I-95 corridor, none the less a round 2
  2. My back yard still thinks anything over 1/4" is excessive.
  3. Only got 0.68", but it was more than enough to flood the back yard again
  4. Grass and deck have given in. 33.3 and still falling.
  5. Heavier rates, down to 33.8, but still not quite sticking
  6. Down to 34.9. It's giving the ole college try to make this more than snowTV
  7. When the schools all are delayed or closed for wet roads...
  8. AA County caves at the last minute and goes with the delay. And wakes me up at 4:45am
  9. I drove home from Woodlawn to Odenton about 12:45. Main and secondary roads were slushy but fine.
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