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Everything posted by smokeybandit

  1. One anecdotal indication of how dry it's been. Sump pump is barely running. Back in the spring, 1/4" of rain would make it run every 5 minutes
  2. 4" per hour rates, already pushing 2"
  3. Hmm...whiskey barrels spilling into the creek. Firemen let the fire burn out. Were there a lot of firemen in the creek "hydrating" by chance?
  4. "First suggestion is Montreal for the experience of watching hockey in a place where they'll cheer for the Canadiens one minute and boo them the next. " You can just go to Philly for that!
  5. Picked up a quick quarter inch just now.
  6. I'd be content with just some rain to keep the lawn happy.
  7. Finally some rain. Doesn't appear to be something that'll last long, but it's pouring
  8. Not a drop here, but your outflow has helped cool things off 12 degrees in 30 minutes
  9. Man, so close to a nice popup cell.
  10. Sure hasn't taken long for the effects of 10 months of rain to turn back into desert mode
  11. Watching storms roll across the plains in Montana/South Dakota is unmatched.
  12. At least people can remember the last time the Orioles were worth watching. I don't know how anyone can enjoy watching a political debate, no matter the sides involved.
  13. I liked the morning lows of 52 much better than this crap
  14. If you're into cars, there's a car museum in Murdo. Wall Drug is a tourist trap, but it's pretty neat.
  15. I assume you'll end up on I-90. As you approach Chamberlain, SD, stop at the scenic view stop. As soon as you cross the Missouri River there, the scenery changes pretty drastically. It's really neat. There's a diner called Al's Oasis just over the river that's unexpectedly solid.
  16. popup storm overhead, surely to make the rest of the afternoon even muggier than now.
  17. Thanks. The whole family, all for different reasons, needed a true change up in life. It stinks though that the western subforum has a shell of the activity of this one
  18. At least the stores haven't put out Christmas decorations yet
  19. Low 50s in mid-June. Awesome
  20. I'm moving to Colorado by the end of summer. I can't wait
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