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Everything posted by smokeybandit

  1. HRRR still thinks this storm has 5+ more inches for the SE 'burbs
  2. Crazy whiteout conditions here. Visibility from my window is 100 feet.
  3. I went out and did the driveway about 11:30. There's already a fresh 3-4" since then
  4. Puking snow here, too. Possibly the best rates of the weekend
  5. I'm back in a dry slot. Not sure my 8-12" today will come anywhere close to verifying.
  6. Looks like Denver is going to get hit hard here in the next hour or so
  7. I can't tell what's falling snow vs. wind driven snow at this point.
  8. The models still want to give Denver and points south 8-12" more before it all ends, but I just don't see it.
  9. All the models still have me getting another foot today, but I haven't even gotten into double digits yet according to nearby reports. This storm quickly approaching big bust territory, at least for south of Denver. Up north seems to be doing well
  10. With the wind I have no idea how much we got overnight but it doesn't look nearly as impressive as WPC was suggesting
  11. Looks like round 2 is starting to wrap up south to north. Now we wait the supposed "good stuff" starting in a couple hours.
  12. THe pessimist in me expects to wake up with like 2" more than I have now.
  13. Temp back down below 29. Looks like radar is starting to fill in
  14. Looks like the good stuff for most of us begins late afternoon/evening
  15. SNow has all but stopped for now, just some real fine flakes right now. Temps back up above freezing. Really nothing on radar to indicate it'll pick back up any time soon. Though it looks a lull for a couple hours is expected, which is reassuring.
  16. Sleet suddenly mixing in. Actually I take that back, appears to be graupel
  17. Ah...the last minute euro pull the rug thing. I guess that happens everywhere I still have too much PTSD from 14 years living in the mid-Atlantic seeing snow storms disappear 4 hours before they're supposed to start.
  18. Looks like round one is about over until radar fills back in to the south.
  19. Pavement starting to show signs of caving, at least the concrete parts.
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