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About soadforecasterx

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Location:
    West Grove, Pa

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  1. looks like norristown to bucking ham is getting crushed. some one is going is end up with a couple inches there in the grassy areas.
  2. seems like we need that trailing vort to slow down if we want any chance.
  3. CMC is close, looks like there is till a tiny bit of hope left for a storm.
  4. I feel like that is something that will never happen again around here.
  5. seems like one of those set ups when we need it amped but then it will cut. when its weak its OTS. seems like a loss either way.
  6. so im no expert but looks like we need this to phase with the northern stream for us to have any shot at all. Although warm and amped CMC shows you what can happen with a phased system. Euro just misses the phase while GFS misses it all together.
  7. https://s2s.worldclimateservice.com/climatepanel/
  8. @psuhoffman i forget where the link went but i believe PDO is down to -2 now. Yes i know not near 0 but definitely way down from -3.5.
  9. funny i did see long long range models hint at this type of set up. first bit of hope. i know it will be gone next run but good to see.
  10. looks like its really getting its act together now
  11. looking at the last several frames you can see it starting to strengthen again. clouds blowing up on the left side of the system
  12. seems like if there will be a storm it all comes down to the timing of the cold front
  13. Thank you so much!!!!! I was looking at Reolink. Honestly when it comes down to things its mostly about video quality. I'm fine with running a line and honestly prefer that. Seems like i would cut out issues like battery life and wifi signal. Having 7 day storage would be fine as well. The main point is really just to watch storms roll in while I'm away and then snow storms (if we get them anymore). What model reolink did you get?
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