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Everything posted by Brian5671

  1. Was right around freezing here this am-but looks like we stay above until Friday-what an abrupt end to the cold pattern!
  2. Congrats. Our boys were born on 3/29-great time of yr since you get the spring and summer to get outdoors with a newborn
  3. No cold air anywhere by then....
  4. In general that is one COLD place
  5. Seabreeze might prevent it. Funny to say that after how cold it's been-already seabreeze season lol
  6. Still 40 degrees here at 8:30pm
  7. These calls have busted all season long so doubt it happens but lol if it did
  8. Thursday maybe some rain showers
  9. Hopefully it stays that way-last yr we were warm first half of march, colder 2nd half
  10. They were good last yr too-nailed the torch winter
  11. as you sit inside the A/C all day...
  12. yeah my folks come north in May-the people that stay year round tend to do their travel in the summer and stay home in the winter when it's 78 and sunny every day.
  13. Buggy in the summer. I've boated near Naples in the winter and spring and it was fine but maybe we had nice days...
  14. Birds are chirping here and down to about 50% snow coverage-figure down to piles by Wednesday if not sooner
  15. yeah no support from other models so toss it.
  16. Hopefully we get some showers Thursday to wash it away
  17. I agree with that-it's crazy around here for every event
  18. So we shouldn't salt and have people wipe out and crash? I think that would generate more lawsuits. It's a necessary evil.
  19. Snowmaps outside of 24-48 hrs are some of the worst products ever put out there.
  20. Haven't had more than 8 inches of snow at a pop here since Feb 2021. (Jan 22 gave us 6-7-we never got into the hvy snow) 18 YTD here but it stuck around for a long time despite the lack of a big storm.
  21. And the cold was persistent. Very few breaks outside of the 4-5 days of late December.
  22. I would just like a good rain shower to wash the salt away. Been crazy dry this winter outside of 2 events (12/31 and last weekend)
  23. One thing is for sure-I looked at many LR forecasts (yeah it's a crapshoot) but I didn't see one forecast that showed what we got temperature wise-most were warm
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