same here in the burbs. Hundreds of kids here. There was some talk of moving it to the last Sat or Sun of Oct-too many people rushing home from work during the week, driving fast etc but it never got off the ground.
that's usually when it starts around here. Models showing a break in the precip late day and evening, let's hope that holds....I have 2 10 year olds- it's never rained for them
looks like we may luck on Halloween with a break in the showers in the evening (main line comes overnight and WAA showers are in the morning/ early afternoon)
use the GFS at one's own risk. Euro and its ensembles are the way to go...until I see cold there forget about it. Still waiting for a frost here. Had some scattered frost a couple of mornings but still hearing crickets and the annuals are still going
for all the talk of a pattern change, I have yet to see much beyond transient cooler temps. Best cold remains out west and jet is screaming. We have turned wetter yes....