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Everything posted by Brian5671

  1. I think that was 11/29 or something very late in the month-this is almost 3 weeks earlier making it all the more difficult.
  2. Agree-by the time any decent cold air gets in, the storm is gone.
  3. The 12z GFS is all rain now even up to central New England.
  4. heavy frost here and 31. Figure that will take care of the rest of the leaves....
  5. that's an example of the machines being ahead of humans....had anyone really been watching models they would have seen it was no big deal-but of course we do that here, most of the general public and decision makers do not.
  6. really dumb in the end-the threat was overnight not during the evening. I wonder who advises these town managers/mayors? We went out in shorts last night-it was close to 70 degrees and zero rain.
  7. gut feeling that the winds will deliver tonight with this system....todays gust have been impressive and we're nowhere near the front
  8. some gusty winds here too-at least to 30-35. 68 degrees and cloudy
  9. south winds coming off the stable ocean waters to the east most likely....
  10. it was interesting, that's what my town said-they said it's not a town sponsored event so it's on, but use discretion as needed. (we're all adults, if there was a situation (thunder/lightning heavy rains) where it didn't make sense to go out, we can judge that)
  11. my least favorite time here-we are past peak so it's brown leaves everywhere and mess on the lawn, driveway and storm drains
  12. I was happy our town didn't change anything-screws up weekend plans etc. Agree, it will be mostly rain free especially east of the city. Warm too-it will be comfortable out there lol
  13. looks like a window of dry early evening and especially places east of NYC....main show after midnight with the front.
  14. the general public doesnt look at the specifics-if they looked closely they would see the wind threat is at 1-5AM. New NAM coming in fairly dry for the PM and evening a few scattered showers...LOL
  15. might have to do with it being close to a weekend. Let's say Halloween was Monday-would they push it all the way back to the next weekend? Not many cancellations around here-one or two towns maybe. Most models show not much rain either (eastern sections) so the ones that postpone are going to hear it when it's dry in the evening lol.
  16. No thanks. Last year it snowed 11/15 and that was it for 3 months...
  17. ridicuolous. Let parents decide not government. Will be funny when it's not even raining in half those towns.
  18. RGEM looks somewhat like the NAM with the coastal areas not raining
  19. alot of hysteria and now models showing not much rain for the evening tomorrow. LOL
  20. 12z NAM ends most of the steady rain in the morning tomorrow. 3K nam keeps it until about 4-5pm. Both models have an opening of less rainy weather in the evening. 7pm 3K NAM
  21. our town sent out a memo stating it's not a town event so they don't have the authority to move it, so it's on at the discretion of individual neighborhoods...if a neighborhood wants to move it fine, but otherwise it's game on. Models look like we might get a break in the rain around go time anyway, wouldn't be too bad going out with temps in the upper 60's to near 70....on a separate topic-I would think in this day and age of over the top "safety" and "protecting our kids from danger" they would have moved it to the last Sat or Sun of the month as a regular thing-less people rushing home from work, driving fast, kids out on a school night etc....but that's never happened.
  22. drizzle fest here too from about 10am on....never let up.
  23. especially the south facing beaches...I'd say those are the favored spots
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