yeah that year and 11/12 featured dry warm conditions which started around 11/1 and never really wavered except for a 10 day period in mid to late January those years.
Agree-it was too bullish on accumulations-it was in the 60's yesterday and well above freezing today with light precip forecast-you'd need heavy rates to get anything to stick....
yeah some models show a coating, but agree-light rates and it was in the 50's and 60's last 2 days and temps in the mid to upper 30's today....unlikely to see anything accumulate
Here is CT sand is banned. Clogs up sewers. The state uses mag chloride and salt. Individual towns can do what they want but most have gone with the ban
people latch onto models outside their range. The solutions shown 3-4 days ago are nothing like what will actually verify-a cold frontal passage with some rain showers that may end with a mangled flake or two.
that's b/c it's likely to end up as a regular cold front passage with some rain and maybe a few flakes on the backend. The 18z's are less bullish already....