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Everything posted by Brian5671

  1. this is starting to remind me of 2001-02 with no shortwaves anywhere initiating a storm
  2. Yeah literally the complete opposite. October is going to have a huge positive temp departure
  3. One look at the SST anomoly map tells you all you need to know....Marine heatwave east of Japan, cold pool south of AK, warm Atlantic, warm water around Australia...ugly to say the least
  4. yep been a pile of crap since the nino of 15/16 for the most part.
  5. It's crazy. I lived in VA and NC as a kid for awhile and our climate is basically like that one except for a few short bursts here and there...
  6. Better source region on that side of the globe...
  7. Another warm day here already up to 68. Upton's 73 will likely be too low.
  8. GFS has a couple days around Halloween in the low 70's LOL
  9. Summery day here outside of the lower sun angle. Endless summer
  10. Feels like a summer day here outside of the low sun angle
  11. At least we are starting to get some fantasy storms-some runs literally had nothing all 15 days...it's like living in S CA or ARZ
  12. and tomorrow and the day after and the day after that and the.....-endless sunshine
  13. TORCH! 78 here for the high. ENDLESS SUMMER
  14. Even then a quarter inch of rain would be vaporized in a day given the very dry ground-need a soaker of an inch or more that falls over 12 hrs or something along those lines.
  15. GFS 384 precip map shows nothing for us through the end of the run...crazy
  16. MJO heading into 8-1-2 so we may not be done yet...
  17. We need some sort of stalled front or a big nor easter to turn things around...neither looks likely for the foreseeable future.
  18. That pinkish hue if the sky is clear....I agree with you very peaceful.
  19. Crazy-if you told me on 8/19 that we'd have 2 months of essentially no rain I'd have laughed.
  20. Nature balancing out the previous wet year.
  21. Yep dry and cold for 3 days then back to the warmth
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