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Everything posted by Brian5671

  1. It's amazing people even look at these day 10+ OP runs....all fantasy at this range...
  2. -PDO doing the dirty work-MJO slow through the warm phases 4-5-6 and quick through the cold phases 8-1-2
  3. yeah being in the warm section helps here
  4. Models do tend to overestimate winds though. I would imagine wind advisories for the areas west of the high wind watches
  5. Hi wind watches Eastern LI and SE CT
  6. getting leaves done here this week and final cut. Latest I can remember. Norway maple finally lost the rest of the leaves last week.
  7. Alot of out to sea storms back then too--the NAO was in a dominate + state
  8. We are starting the annual punt the good pattern out-we are now out to January....
  9. Certainly something to watch but models have been flip flopping all over the place...
  10. He went all in on big cold/snow last yr that never came....
  11. The weeklies have not been great the last 2-3 yrs-seems like they show a great pattern in the LR only for it to warm up as we draw closer...
  12. Were you really expecting anything? Upton had rain for the city. South winds tough to get anything especially urban areas facing the water
  13. Coating on the grass here-roads just wet
  14. windy here with light rain 39
  15. 20-21 wasnt bad. But outside of that, pretty awful and we're back to the "we have to wait a month for something to develop" (Which often doesn't come)
  16. No, this 7-8 day period of cold.
  17. Similar to last year where we ended up with a couple of 7-8 day periods of cold. This one is going to end up dry unfortunately.
  18. What a miserable day. 42 and moderate rain here-skipping the HS football game...
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