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Everything posted by Brian5671

  1. Trump looking to abolish Daylight Saving Time. Not sure the outdoor lobby will go for 7:30pm (instead of 8:30 pm) sunsets in June
  2. OP models for day 10...nuff said
  3. felt like a midwinter day here today-barely cracked freezing. Big storms will cut most likely but maybe we could get a light to moderate event
  4. Agree. One saving grace so far is that we do have cold air around so maybe sneak something in-last December was very warm overall so we were toast.
  5. I think people are a bit jaded with how bad the last few years have been....
  6. Everything ended up further east. RI has 3-4 inches of rain so far and the winds ended up in eastern NE. Models too far west with it all.
  7. with the 540 line central New England?
  8. and it's a rainstorm at that lol
  9. the winds on these things are almost always over modeled....
  10. A wind advisory here for basically no wind and flood watch for an inch of rain so far-radar looks light to the west so maybe another .25 to .50
  11. RGEM too was off at 12z. Most models going back to yesterday were too far west with the heaviest precip...certainly not flood watch type rains west of New Haven or Central LI
  12. from the NE forum-models pushed the big winds east so may not be anything all that notable. Rain hasn't been all that heavy here today with that big dry slot up to about an inch or so...heaviest line looks to be off the NJ coast right now and headed NE so that will be east as well.
  13. Would be good for drought relief. We will see.
  14. even the rain shifted east-models showed W CT with 2-3.5 inches yesterday we will have a hard time getting to an inch
  15. 59 here but not much wind so far-couple gusts to 25-30
  16. In today's hot market sellers likely aren't going to agree to that...
  17. Prices right now are disgusting too...LOL. I can't believe what people pay around here and most places go for over asking.
  18. Weird-closings for wind and rain in New England...what's next, closings for 32 degrees? Jeez.
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