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Everything posted by Brian5671

  1. I'm not complaining...just need it cold enough, too cold and you get suppression.
  2. they must be looking at last week's models which showed a more historic cold outbreak especially in the midwest....models have moved away from that so it's weird they (media) are still hyping it....
  3. A phase with what? The low zips east off Norfolk VA
  4. Way too much reliance on LR maps from OP models...crazy to see day 15 maps posted regularly....
  5. Some of those years it was like skiing on ball bearings as it had rained and then gotten cold. Snowmaking wasn't what it is now either...
  6. Happens. Hopefully we can cash in on something as the pattern relaxes a bit-but the chances for multiple storms appears to be dropping
  7. Not this time-will be down to shaded spots and north facing areas by sunset-we only had a coating on the 21st too.
  8. the "cold" was muted and didn't last all that long-we spent all last winter chasing it and we got 2 short periods of cold in a sea of warmth...what's different this year is we have had early cold and some lights snows...so there's hope for a more prolonged pattern this winter.
  9. I used to do that as a kid in the 80's. Snow was so rare you had to save whatever you got.
  10. Some will melt with temps in the upper 30's later guess it depends on whether we get sun or not...
  11. Thx...so on Saturday they did measure when the snow stopped around 8-9 AM for the final amt?
  12. Sounds like Bridgeport-they seem to undermeasure snow. Blizz of 96 they had 14 inches-most surrounding areas had 20-24
  13. On another board someone said they measure at 7am and that's it. Even if it's still snowing which it was the other day-that's outrageous.
  14. Beautiful! that one pic with the sun behind the cloud is similar to when I was there 3 yrs ago. We had snow inland too-but rain in the city and near the airport on the last day...no above ground power lines too much wind.
  15. It's crapshoot at best....you never know what's going to gum up the works as we draw closer... for example how many times in the last 5 yrs have we seen the MJO shoot back out into the unfavorable phases unexpectedly?
  16. I can't believe people look at Day 15 OP models...
  17. You can't bank on anything this far out-how many times over the last 3 years has a good/great pattern been forecast only to see it fall apart as we approached? Not saying that happens here-but caution is always advised but certainly hope for the best...look at last January-the pattern lasted a grand total of a week before it fell apart.
  18. The lack of anything decent pattern wise the last 3 yrs is really getting to people....
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