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Everything posted by jlewis1111

  1. Bunch of weenies here another thread thats a bust. How many you guys gonna start here? lol
  2. The nam just came out has most of the snow now in va mtns and towards dc. Which you think is more right in your opinion?
  3. I dont understand why people are still chasing unicorns? Winter is over
  4. Told you guys winter was over days agao but you guys still chasing unicorns lol
  5. sure is. Like I said where does he see him getting much. Euro had basically squat and the nam
  6. Not sure why you guys are even looking at the euro. Its been shit all last winter and this winter too. GFS only
  7. I mean we are basically in Feb what else do you expect?
  8. nam and euro look good for snow til the 9am at least light but hey whatever
  9. snowing pretty decent down here in richmond. Anyone have the nam snow map for the 0z
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