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Everything posted by SethToast

  1. Keeweenaw's been pretty good, at least compared to the dumpster fire's of the past 2 years. Basically no synoptic all winter (except for late December rain of course), just semi-daily 1-4" for the past month but overall can't complain
  2. Is it on any other website that doesn't require a subscription?
  3. Are any seasonal models even showing warm N plains beyond mid-December?
  4. Is there a way to see individual runs? I'm curious as to if the results on the TT site is just because of noise or if there's been a consistent increase.
  5. Is TJ cumulative or is TJ's per hour or other unit of time? The wikipedia entry says that Hiroshima released 63 TJ. I was under the impression that hurricanes released several orders of magnitudes more energy than nuclear weapons
  6. I mean all the traffic is going inland or north,and it's congested well outside the cities
  7. You can still physically get into the city from the south via I-26, although technically entirety of Western Northern Carolina roads are closed for "non-emergency" purposes. Asheville roads only look closed on google maps because google maps gets it's traffic data from cell phones, which aren't working right now because all of the towers are inoperational. https://apnews.com/article/hurricane-helene-asheville-flooding-north-carolina-tennessee-078a298cdcaaf46749f3f6683a4e1057
  8. Various sections between Asheville and Marion, NC https://drivenc.gov/
  9. https://prism.oregonstate.edu/ PRISM is a project that provides files for monthly temperature and precipitation at a given point, however it's limited to the U.S., Western Canada, a few other select regions. Anyone know of a similar source of data that contains more regions or covers the entire world?
  10. They gave up over a week ago. I had a ski trip planned in the Porcupine Mountains but had to cancel because it looks like this at the moment
  11. It's so rare to have a frozen but snowless Portage that some people had to take advantage I guess. I have no idea how MTU is going to handle Winter Carnival in this weather. I thought last year was bad but 40° and rain on the night of is just going to be brutal
  12. How is this dude able to make 10 alt accounts in the time it took me to make one
  13. Absolutely gorgeous past couple of days in the Keeweenaw. Blue skies and snowy trees are a rarity even up here (the former is the real challenge to capture). Bonus High Resolution Images - https://imgur.com/gallery/1bV8ocV (Some photos are not mine. I didn't have the reaction time to get the C-130 that snuck up on us)
  14. 00z GFS looking a lot better in the extended. Even the ensemble is trending cooler with less PAC air
  15. Some pics from the Houghton area today. It's a lot prettier than my cheapo android camera and the 2 MB forum file size (Seriously, is it still 2003 in here?) can capture.
  16. Had a lull in snowfall last night. Looks to be picking back up, but as plates / columns so not expecting a huge day of accumulation. I'm still 4 degrees above normal for the month at KCMX. I really doubt we'll get much lower than that given the dumpster fire of a pattern we have next week. In any case, I don't really have much of a right to complain at this point.
  17. Back down to 1/4-1/2 mile visibility out my window. Looks like we've returned back to dendrites so hopefully we can squeeze a bit more out of this before the warmth sets in this weekend and next week. This week has definitely been a top 10 event for me, although I'm sure you can guess by now I haven't witnessed as many winters as most people here, and most of them were in Chicago suburbs.
  18. It's from a friend who lives about half way up the hill in Hancock. I personally don't have a backyard so that's the closest local measurement I can get. Now that I'm looking at the actual photo it's more like 21.5" but still not bad considering we started from basically 0 and barely got any synoptic snow from the initial low on Friday. I would note that Calumet and northwards was hit by a pretty strong shore-parallel band yesterday through to this morning. They've probably gotten an extra 8-12" that we haven't received.
  19. The above photo was taken from an MTU building. Without doxxing myself too much I'll say I'm within walking distance of campus.
  20. Lake Effect still ongoing from last Friday's system and subsequent cold air mass. Was down to 1/4 mile visibility just from falling snow until about 1 this afternoon. 22" IMBY so far and still going pretty strong. I pre-emptively apologize for having the best winter wx climo on the subforum
  21. Only have had 5 cumulative hours of subzero temps so far. The lakes being nearly ice-free up to this point has definitely helped with that.
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