I was down at my alma-mater at the Millersville Meteo Dept about 6 weeks ago seeing some old friends and faces at the weather center and asked about the new radar etc. Long story short, its not even operational yet as some parts were missing/broken and have not been replaced/repaired yet to be even functional. Once it is, the radar will not be available for public viewing/use unless the NWS or other media outlets buy the license rights to broadcast it and use it. Its a private company so everyone who “wants to use it” needs to pay for the access.
I would imagine the NWS would want it as they are the only entity who can issues warnings, etc. Hopefully we all will get the ability to see it once its up and running and a deal is worked out. Millersville University is only a location for the radar and for research and not the ones who give the rights/licenses out. Although Millersville did spend a ton of money via a grant to get the radar there and access to it for research. But again, its been 5 months installed now and not functional.