12z GFS still indicating a pattern change to more wintry weather starting this Thursday through the rest of the 2 week period. Kuchera snow map because why not .
Purely extrapolating current heading and distance it still looks on pace to landfall pretty darn close to Anna Marie Island in about 6 hours…barring any wobbles .
The graphic was not updated to show their latest pass but as someone else just noted, looks like the plane missed the eye by 8-10 miles so that pressure of 941mb was not a true accurate SLP reading in the eye .
Latest IR shows deep convection really starting to encircle the eye wall again. Will be very curious to see how it responds to a more hostile environment but would no be surprised to see the eye re-appear in the next couple hours .
12z GFS is about 55-60mb too weak right off the bat on this run…if the models cant initialize the intensity correct not sure how much we can trust its intensity forecasts in 48 hours either .