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About AccuChris

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Location:
    Lebanon, PA

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  1. Just officially measured 2” in Lebanon and light snow continues .
  2. Just under 2” now in Lebanon. Light snow continues .
  3. Lebanon area has been snowing a decent clip over the last 30-40 mins now. Temp is 31°. Roads wet but just under an inch accumulation now on grassy areas .
  4. Interesting graphic. Lebanon County averages around 44” of rainfall per year and my weather station is at 43.27”. So if being roughly 3/4” behind normal is considered “severe drought”…OK then .
  5. As noted, 0z NAM trying to make a little action happen on Friday. Every run has been just a little more bullish than the previous run .
  6. 1/2” in Lebanon and not doing much right now. Temp is 31° .
  7. Light snow in Lebanon and temp is 31°. Nice coating so far .
  8. 31/23 here in Lebanon with wetbulb of 28°. As noted by others, despite what is/was decent returns on radar, nothing reaching the ground here yet .
  9. Long range 12z HRRR is slightly more generous in snowfall for tomorrow and tomorrow night .
  10. Went down to 11° in Lebanon this morning .
  11. Temp down to 46° now in Lebanon. Heavy rain .
  12. Temp in Lebanon peaked at 59° about an hour ago and now down to 51° with a wind shift to west/northwest. Moderate rain and rainfall total since last evening now up to 1.11” .
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