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About BuffaloWeather

  • Birthday 09/04/1987

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Hamburg, New York

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  1. You can't use Buffalos data before 1940 due to it being literally on the lake. It isn't a good representative of weather across our area, way too marine influenced. If Detroits recording station moved, that data shouldn't be used either. Not really up for debate, moving a recording station eliminates its accuracy and consistency.
  2. The snowbelts off Erie and Ontario did very well. Had 175" in the southtowns of Buffalo. Crazy the difference between my home to airport. It's about a 20 minute drive from Hamburg to Buffalo airport and 100" difference in snow totals.
  3. Just went over 175" on the year, another great winter for those impacted by lake effect snow. Places south of here are well over 200" and places in the tug are well over 300". Gaylord Michigan broke its all time snowfall record this year.
  4. Some crazy conditions with the arctic front that moved through earlier this week
  5. What do you mean? Discord is a preferred method of communicating moving forward. You can post pictures and videos with a click, the formatting is better, and easier to instant message specific members. I asked many times if people wanted to transfer back over here and no one wanted to.
  6. We all moved to discord, have about 110 members in here. I think I sent you an invite before.
  7. I'm at 114" already this year. The best winter in 10 years. Snowman was so wrong.
  8. Went out to Camden NY for this last lake effect event. Storm totals over 70"!
  9. Buffalo NWS says we had a SSW 10-14 days ago? Their morning discussion. Looking further ahead into the start of 2025... A BIG change in our weather can be expected immediately after the New Year. The relatively low amplitude Pacific based flow that will have dominated the Lower 48 the past week or so with above normal temperatures will be replaced by a high amplitude, coupled +PNA/ -NAO pattern that will feature our first cross polar flow in at LEAST two years. Boiling this down, it simply means that there is HIGH confidence that our temperatures will plunge back to well BELOW normal, with the potential for this change to persist at least a week. The first signal of this dramatic change back to mid winter weather was a fairly significant stratospheric warming event that took place some 10 to 14 days ago. Sudden warming above 10mb usually results in a change in the arctic jet that translates into significant changes to the Arctic oscillation along with the corresponding North Atlantic oscillation. Within two to three weeks, this change in the high latitude flow will lead to an impressive surge of cold air that will make its way across eastern Canada and the northeastern portion of the Lower 48. Supporting this compelling change to mid winter conditions is agreement among many of the ensembles that anomalously strong ridging will be found along the West Coast (+PNA) while broad ridging will also build across Greenland and the North Atlantic (- NAO). This coupled pattern has a very high correlation to below normal temperatures throughout the Great Lakes region. The proverbial `icing on the cake` for this event is that many ensembles also suggest that a cross polar flow will develop. This will allow arctic air to settle southwards across eastern Canada where H85 temps in the -20s C will be common. Fortunately, the source region for the air in this event does is not especially cold at this time, or the event could be more noteworthy.
  10. It’s been a wild string of luck. 85” on the year already. The new climate favors Lake Erie lake effect as the lake doesn’t really freeze anymore. We get slammed, it melts/warms up and get slammed again. It’s my favorite climo as I’m a big snowstorm guy myself.
  11. A recap video I did of the event. 42" of snow fell in under 30 hours in the hardest hit areas, resulting in driving bans in some towns.
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