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Everything posted by SomeguyfromTakomaPark

  1. Wouldn’t wanna be running the marine corp marathon today!
  2. Man this would be an OUTSTANDING winter storm. Let’s hope we can do this at 26 degrees in January.
  3. Gosh darn it’s dry and terrible out. We need a week of rain and then some legit fall cool air.
  4. Anyone see any mammatus clouds over dc/Montgomery country? Looked like some around takoma park.
  5. Wow that is a hell of lightning show even from Takoma Park!!
  6. Wow we must’ve mixed efficiently, dews down to the low 60s and temps in the mid to upper 90s around me.
  7. Nice storm in takoma park, swirling winds probably gusting 40-50, heavy rain.
  8. I drove back from the beach today, and my car thermometer which is pretty accurate (have checked it against reliable stations and it’s usually within a degree) was between 98-102 from just before the bay bridge all the way to takoma park on the beltway. Was 100-101 around Annapolis.
  9. Every station in downtown dc including wapo is at 100 or 101.
  10. 93 at DCA, me thinks they crack 100 today.
  11. 88 already at DCA per the 5-minute obs, little ahead of yesterday’s pace.
  12. Heat warning verifying in DC, currently 97/76/111 at wapo
  13. 93/79 currently on the 5 minute obs. I’d rather snag an 80 DP than triple digits.
  14. Dewpoints approaching 80 in the lower Hudson valley, seeing a bunch of 78’s and 79’s around Yorktown, mahopac, and Ossining. That’s like gulf coast level humidity.
  15. 91 at 9pm is a good sign for big heat the next day, 100 doable IMO.
  16. Where do you get the inbetween obs?
  17. Oh ok, then yeah your DP must be really high. For future reference we usually write temp/DP/heat index
  18. 90/74 at 11am running a little behind if we’re trying to get to 100.
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