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Everything posted by SomeguyfromTakomaPark

  1. I apologize for throwing the Fox News at you. I understand where you’re coming from. I’m going to stop the politics now because I was told it’s not allowed in this thread. No hard feelings.
  2. Ok well for the sake of this thread I’ll take it offline. But if @showmethesnow or @SnowGolfBro want to continue further in the politics forum I’d be happy to.
  3. I’m just getting tired of the framing of this debate I see from right wing media. Of course you’re free to think my ideas are a load of BS and I’d be happy to hear about why if you want to explain.
  4. I wasn’t sure if that was allowed or not. If the mods don’t want politics in here I’m happy to oblige, but it’s hard to separate covid from politics.
  5. Of course everyone wants to open it up ASAP, the question is how to do that while minimizing loss of life. Since your post doesn’t address this issue in a meaningful way it’s hard to engage with you.
  6. I’d really like to see zipcode data on this. If the poorer parts of PG adjacent to SE DC are a hot spot and that bleeds into SE DC that could be a public health nightmare.
  7. I imagine the strain on our hospital system must be becoming noticeable now. That’s a lot of people to add in one day.
  8. It seems like you’re overthinking it. It kind of is pretty simple. Reduce human contact to reduce spread.
  9. I dunno if anyone’s been keeping track but also +296 hospitalizations. Is that the highest one day addition yet?
  10. I think the difference in infection spread caused by reducing contact with others vs any increased contact with your family is several orders of magnitude.
  11. I don’t find this line of reasoning compelling. My wife and kids and I are in close contact regardless of quarantine. The important factor that changes with social distancing is contact with people beyond my immediate family.
  12. I don’t follow this point. It will spread within family units regardless. Social distancing limits spread between family units. I don’t think most, if any, public health expert would agree with the idea that social distancing has no benefits if there are large infection rates. To the contrary, I think most public health experts would say social distancing is most needed when infection rates are large.
  13. Yes! All these comparisons with other forms of risk aren’t analogous at all.
  14. Yes of course, at some point when the risk is lower. But moving on will probably not mean just rushing back into life as it used to be, as @mappy and @Eskimo Joe have pointed out.
  15. Yes this is true. But we minimize risks where we can. And this particular risk is exponentially greater than the risks you list and we have a way to minimize it. 799 people, probably over 1,000 if you count the deaths at home, died yesterday in ny state. This is not something we can allow to happen everywhere.
  16. If you open up too early we risk being back in lockdown again, which ultimately would be worse than extending an original lockdown to make sure we’re good to go.
  17. It’s awful....the PG outbreak is particularly concerning, their numbers have been accelerating.
  18. Maryland with big numbers again today, 33 new deaths and 783 new cases.
  19. I think the way you are framing this is incorrect, the way to fix the economy is to end the epidemic spread of covid-19. Any attempt to open up for business while there is widespread sustained community transmission will ultimately do more harm than good to the economy. As Anthony Fauci says the virus determines the timeline, not us.
  20. This is probably true, luckily the places with the worst outbreaks currently are all run by governors who seem to be cautious. Wuhan just opened up today, but the amount of surveillance, monitoring, and contact tracing they can employ obviously isn’t feasible here. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
  21. I understand that it won’t be a lockdown, but it will be an enormous challenge to manage this without herd immunity for 4-5 years.
  22. This will be an enormous challenge if the timeline is 4-5 years.
  23. Winds are cranking now! Probably just had a 40+ mph gust.
  24. The biggest issue DCPS was/is having with this is not knowing when this is going to end. At first they seemed to really believe the closure was only going to last 2 weeks and they haphazardly allowed teachers to do whatever in terms of schedule and didn't standardize anything in terms of learning platforms, amount of assignments, etc. Teachers zoom sessions were conflicting and students were overwhelmed with the amount of work since no one was coordinating due dates or workloads or anything. DCPS also declared that anything that happened post-closure couldn't reduce a students grade, so any work during the quarantine is counted like extra credit. I think now they are coming to terms with the fact that our year is likely over and we're adopting a district wide schedule which makes sense. I'm not sure how the 4th quarter will look in terms of grading. I don't think this experience will be anywhere near as good as actually physically going to school (obviously) but its the best we can do.
  25. I agree with this. Just keep everything moving.
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