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Everything posted by SomeguyfromTakomaPark

  1. DCPS is done for the year, gonna continue distance learning til May 29 then close it up. I imagine Hogan will announce the same thing this afternoon. I think they are positioning themselves for an earlier start next academic year. Of course it's not clear if we'll be ready to open up for business as usual in early August. I wonder if we'll do some kind of staggered schedule or A day/B day thing where only half the staff/students are in the building on a given day.
  2. This straw man again...no one is advocating for 6 months, a year, or 18 months. Everyone is in agreement opening needs to start much sooner.
  3. of course caveat that anything China reports gets a grain of salt, but this would be a surprisingly low infection rate
  4. Unless you move to a state with a very irresistible governor it’s not going to be like that. This virus is fundamentally different than the flu.
  5. Area under the curve is the integral, which would be deaths multiplied by time. I’m not sure those areas would be equal if let covid go unchecked. I think covid area would be larger.
  6. Thank god these people weren’t in charge during WW2. Is there any chance these people would’ve gone to fight? Methinks not.
  7. Pretty sure this isn’t swine flu....
  8. Spoiler alert: this isn’t swine flu
  9. Seems very relevant to covid in this region, they’re right up 95 from us and a few weeks ahead of us in terms of timing.
  10. And Guayaquil (where many covid deaths were reported) is on the coast, very tropical, not high up in the andes at 10,000 feet like Quito.
  11. Yes also Brazil appears to be having an rough go if it and I imagine it’s hot there by now.
  12. I have traveled to Ecuador and it definitely doesn’t seem like the kind of place where the government has the ability to do any kind of massive public health operation.
  13. At the end of the day, based on the last nyc comment @PhineasC it seems like one of the following must be true for you 1) you don’t believe that many people are dying 2) you don’t care that that many people are dying 3) you are one of those disaster porn people who won’t be satisfied til tons more people die If it’s number 1, id be interested to know where you get your info, if it’s 2, I guess we can’t make you care about human life but I’m sure glad you’re not the governor of Maryland, if it’s 3, just chill out and stop rooting for mass death.
  14. NYC is fine!!! Wow! I am from ny originally and most of my family lives there. I have two friends who are doctors in the area and everything they are all telling me is NOT fine. People are dying by the truckload. They have had the equivalent of more than 4 9/11’s.
  15. The virus spread a lot in nyc, now a ton of people are dying there and their hospitals are swamped. I want to avoid that here. What is there not to get?
  16. I’m not arguing for that at all. I agree, but when more cases keep showing up it means eventually more people will die.
  17. Wow dude you’re off your rocker lol. I’m not worried about Bahrain bro. I’m worried about Montgomery county!!!
  18. How could counting the number of people who die from something not be relevant? If less people die, that’s good, more people die, that’s bad. That’s irrefutable.
  19. You’re in a bubble. Most people want to be safe. Finding more cases wouldn’t make the deaths go away. Swine flu never came close to this rate of deaths.
  20. So we aren’t allowed to look at testing data because it might be a snapshot in time of a week or two ago, we aren’t allowed to look at deaths because for some reason how many people dying isn’t relevant. So how are we supposed to analyze this?
  21. Yes, but for people to test positive, they have to have the virus. And every day we test 150k people we find 30k with the virus. That isn’t good.
  22. Those are how many people caught the virus at some point in the not too distant past which is a very relevant piece of information.
  23. That really sucks. Yeah, colleges are going to have to start thinking about the fall. Will kids be showing up moving it o dorms as usual? I’m also working tomorrow but one drink won’t affect that...
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