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Everything posted by SomeguyfromTakomaPark

  1. No ones mad. I think I’m going to stop antagonizing you now though. While It’s extremely fun/entertaining for me but I can see why this thread would be better off if I stopped doing this. So I’ll stop. Anyways have a good evening.
  2. What are you even talking about? A new virus isn’t analogous to a bomb that goes off once on one day.
  3. Hahaha ok. It must be fun to live in your world where you can just make up all the rules to fit the narrative you like best.
  4. Our testing volume has plateaued recently. If we keep finding the same number of cases on approx the same number of tests that shows the prevalence might not be dropping very much. The current volume of cases is causing thousands of deaths a day. I’m not sure what’s complicated about that for you.
  5. I really don’t know what your point is sorry.
  6. So if you go to a country where covid isn’t prevalent and run a couple hundred thousand tests you’ll find the same number of + cases?
  7. That seems like a reasonable guess to me.
  8. Eventually to get fully back to normal that numbers going to have to go WAY down. I know you’re in denial about that still.
  9. Today was initially looking more hopeful with NY and NJ coming in lower but we’re back up around 1800 deaths anyway, also closing in on the daily 30,000 cases. Not good.
  10. So let’s make the assumption that those who are poor, elderly, and have preexisting conditions are the least able to absorb the downstream economic consequences of this and remain healthy. That’s a similar demographic dying disproportionately from covid. Why do you care less about the Covid victims and more about these downstream victims?
  11. But what if those that die of these downstream affects also overwhelmingly have preexisting conditions? Will you be as dismissive of their deaths and their families suffering or is that only reserved for covid?
  12. Yes I believe they lost to the kings in a series that was closer than the final tally suggested.
  13. I’m not sure why people are losing their minds over this pic. It seems from afar that most people are in small groups with distance in between. As long as they don’t let it get too packed it’s probably a good idea to have some beaches open so people don’t congregate in confined spaces indoors.
  14. NJ and NY deaths down around a hundred each from yesterday, hopefully the trend continues and that truly means we’re over the hump in nyc metro in terms of death.
  15. It will reduce the spread which will make it easier to manage.
  16. Yes absolutely. I want things back to normal. Don’t want a second round of outbreaks and restrictive measures.
  17. If you want to point fingers my advice would be point them at the officials who denied/ignored this threat for months while it was obvious it was coming. If they had taken it seriously initially we wouldn’t be in nearly as bad of a predicament with these lockdowns.
  18. There would be no pivot. That would be awesome and everyone would be happy.
  19. I don’t think we would be seeing the hospitalizations and deaths coming down in NY if not for the lockdowns. I also think they very well would’ve vastly outstripped hospital resources without a lockdown. I think in general the lockdowns are having the desired effect of reducing deaths and lowering the burden on the healthcare system. I don’t think that one models initial projection about ventilators was the sole reason we had lockdowns. I think just looking abroad at China, Italy, France, and Spain were the main reasons. I don’t hear much of the supposed talk about locking down until a second wave. What I hear is people discussing much less disruptive waves to bridge us to the vaccine such as staggered schedules at work so people aren’t all in the same building at the same time, limited capacity at restaurants, etc.
  20. I think we actually agree on much of this @phineas. The main points of disagreement I see are that IMO this is not remotely comparable to the flu and that the lockdowns are/were justified.
  21. I agree with you that the way things are going with our federal government not really being interested in testing/contact tracing we probably won’t. But like you are saying the states won’t really have a choice, we can’t stay closed forever and it’s been a long time already.
  22. I think states largely are going to start opening up in some form another by mid to late may/early June no matter what. Some red states obviously may be even sooner. I just want it to be done intelligently so we can avoid being back at square one. I don’t think more than another month of lockdown is possible really.
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