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Everything posted by SomeguyfromTakomaPark

  1. Yeah it’s really a shame. Hopefully this next round of PPP funding helps a little.
  2. Yesterday was more tests than the last few days but the %positive actually went up.
  3. Yeah, I would imagine with reduced capacity that may need to be enforced and a general reduction in visits, restaurants, movie theatres, etc would have to raise prices.
  4. Still hanging around 25% positive, waiting for that number to start dropping off a little but it's been stubborn.
  5. I’ve been wondering about the lasting impacts from this. In the future, after a vaccine, do we expect that people that people might still wear masks more? Like if someone just has a cold but wants to go to work anyway.
  6. Yeah, exactly. Their numbers probably aren't accurate, but the broad strokes of what happened in terms of where the virus spread seem to be accurate. International observers like the WHO and others confirmed this.
  7. Yes, very true. If you look at China, they obviously have way more big cities than anyone but that didn’t preclude them from keeping it confined to one province.
  8. Massachusetts and Pennsylvania seem to be a little behind NYC/NJ/MICH/LA in terms of peak. Hopefully after those two places peak that will be the last major hot spots where we see 100+ deaths per day. Still possible our region has a later peak I guess but maybe our social distancing has smoothed it enough we’re just less severe plateau. Either way encouraging signs all around!
  9. Another good sign I’ve been noticing is case counts and deaths seem to have fallen off a cliff in Louisiana and Michigan. Glad to see a big downswing in those places.
  10. Holding under 25k new cases for the day and NY with only around 6k, one of the lowest new case count days I can remember. Hopefully this continues through the week.
  11. Hey, but like I said last night, in order to try to keep this thread a little more focused and less sloppy I’m going to reduce my back and forths with you. Cheers!
  12. looks like another 1500+ death day today. Lower than last weeks average so hopefully we’re coming off the peak and it’s not just the weekend reporting.
  13. The easiest way you can tell conclusively this is not comparable to the flu is that 0 public health experts or Epidemiologists are making that argument.
  14. Yeah, it’s amazing how skewed the debate can seem on a forum where a few people are pushing the covid = flu narrative constantly.
  15. These charts are pretty interesting. I was wondering why they weren’t per capita but it turns out epidemiologists don’t favor that approach. Epidemics don’t necessarily spread faster in larger populations.
  16. Yes it’s an interesting question. I forget where I saw it but I saw somewhere that they think most of the benefit of school closing comes from the fact it caused the adults to stay home more.
  17. Same here, half price and they are also paying the staff the same.
  18. Yeah I’m also wondering if I should continue to pay for daycare, i was planning on pulling my kids out this summer since I’m a teacher and I can look after them over the summer.
  19. Terrible news. Sending my thoughts their way.
  20. This sounds about right to me. The other question that will be interesting is will the school day look the same when schools open back up.
  21. The Maryland positive rate has been fairly stubborn recently. Will be interesting to see how much it changes if hogan can really expand testing.
  22. I fully understand all the reasons why daily case counts aren’t the ideal metric but I really like to rile you up. The last 3 times I’ve posted the 30k thing it’s just to get a response from you.
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