Yes, but if the # of tests goes up and the % of positives doesn’t drop (which is whats happening) that’s not good. Ideally we’d maybe be seeing more cases but a lower % positive.
And 77 deaths, 26% positive rate which is about par for the course, unfortunately it seems to stay at that rate even on the days when more tests are completed.
Saw some video on the news of a gym in georgia. People working out pretty close to one another no masks. Guy puts weights back without sanitizing. Can’t see how this won’t end up being a significant mode of transmission.
NBD, I was debating phin + a few others on here about a week ago regarding public support for lockdowns. He seemed to think we were a few weeks away from the public being fed up with stay at home orders.
Agree, you can “open up” all you want but if you do it incorrectly and people turn on the news and see their local hospital flooded with dying covid patients the economy isn’t going to be in great shape.
I don’t know that you’re allowing enough time to see the trends. People will take time to slowly come out, it’s not like everyone in Georgia is going to a restaurant on Monday. My guess is trends would evident more on the 6-8+ week time frame.
I saw a virologist on twitter saying herd immunity could be 60%, but that might be a moot point cause the virus would likely overshoot the % needed for herd immunity.
Oh ok, so I guess that’s you’re observation at one course, not sure it scales to all golfers in the state but didn’t realize people were still golfing.
Agree, golf courses have been closed so who is say how golfers would act if courses reopened and they were expected to practice social distancing. I imagine they would be just fine with it.
Yes it’s bad news if you were hoping for herd immunity to be viable. Gonna be weird when 20% of nyc doesn’t have to social distance. There will be 2 classes of people.
Yeah golf is low hanging fruit and popular enough it’ll do a lot for peoples morale to be able to get back on the course. It’s certainly no worse of a risk than people walking/running/biking on trails
I was just using the term lockdown as a blanket since I was referring to some countries that did actual lockdowns and some countries like ours did "almost lockdowns". IMO the words actually in this case truly don't matter.