It’s cute. Go ahead and keep worrying that Larry Hogan’s secret old bay gestapo is gonna pull you from your home and send you to a fever center. Hahaha I crack up just thinking about it.
Hahah I love that you think the governors (!!) are going to parlay a public health emergency into an excuse to play authoritarian. Larry Hogan is gonna start locking us up for no reason lol.
It is known that the virus spreads through close contact. I saw dozens of protestors in close proximity in the Michigan statehouse screaming with no masks on. If you know of some basic science that suggests that this wouldn’t spread the disease you should share it. But you don’t because that science doesn’t exist, you’re just spinning everything to fit your agenda.
It’s actually an interesting question. We don’t value human life infinitely. One example I came across was that if we valued human life infinitely the speed limit would be 10 mph everywhere because that would eliminate 30-40k traffic accident deaths per year. But we don’t. The price of those lives is the convenience and economic benefit of driving fast. There are more examples like this of course.
I don’t buy this. Your whole argument is framed incorrectly. You’re comparing the current economy to the pre pandemic economy. The pre pandemic economy would’ve been gone by now with or without policy decisions like stay at home orders. The idea that the economy would be humming along and all those under 40 year olds would be doing great without stay at home orders is pure unadulterated fantasy of the highest order.
I agree with this. It’s hard to imagine that beaches kept at a reasonable capacity would be any worse than the hiking trails, bike trails, etc, which all have been packed lately.
Well, if the outbreak was increasing it would mean that down the road the hospitalizations would go up. Of course it’s debatable as to whether or not we are testing enough to know which way the outbreak is going. In the future when we theoretically get this under control and have constant widespread testing the positive case numbers will be very important.
They are also testing everyone that needs to be admitted to a hospital for any reason as well. I know because I have a family member getting surgery today and she had to be tested so they could put her in the non covid part of the hospital.
If the testing is constant yes you would see the % increase. My only point was that the testing wasn’t constant, we got 6,600 results back which presumably means we tested a lot more people somewhat recently. The % of positives was still over 25%.
Hmmm, not sure about that. NYC and NJ saw their % positives drop considerably over time. I would think that the more our mitigation efforts work the lower it would go.
I’m not really assuming anything. If the % positive dropped as the # of tests went up it would appear to be less widespread. If it remains constant it’s more widespread.
I think everyone gets the lag, but the idea still stands that the more tests you give, if the outbreak wasn’t very widespread, you’d see the % positive come down.
Yes, but as you test more and more people if you keep finding the same % positive that’s not good. If the outbreak is slowing as you test more people the % positive should decrease.