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Everything posted by SomeguyfromTakomaPark

  1. Yeah he pictures everyone on here are like wealthy attorneys just vacationing from home laughing about the lockdowns maniacally
  2. IMO it’s a money grab by the college board, they’re not going to have proctors or cameras, a student could easily have a parent, older brother, etc, help them. If they can’t ensure it’s a true secure test they should’ve cancelled it.
  3. That makes sense. We have had a few days of declines although they haven’t been huge.
  4. Nice! I haven’t been keeping up with VA. I’m imagining hogan is waiting for a declining trend that lasts 14 days, I hope they’re not like resetting the clock today because we went up a tiny bit.
  5. I think the real reason is they actually need more time to train larry Hogan’s commando lockdown team...they’re coming for you, they’ve been on this board and seen your anti lockdown posts. sleep with with one eye open.
  6. I think when @mappy posted the update that part was still showing yesterday’s number.
  7. This post should be printed out and brought to our elected leaders as proof that our education system has failed miserably. It’s sad that people are this confused.
  8. Pretty decent lightning/thunder show tonight. Some nice long rumbles.
  9. Like I’m happy to criticize trump and Diblasio and I’m happy to give the governor of Georgia credit if this works out, I just don’t care.
  10. Because you’re always framing this as an us vs. them culture war and some of us don’t like to play those games. IMO that framing that gets applied to everything is one is the most destructive things.
  11. Yeah, maybe some totally unrepresentative sample of jackasses on Twitter, but no one in this forum, so why do you have to constantly beat that drum? Are you one of those culture warriors who had a fit of rage and hysterics when the Indian was taken off the butter box? It seems like you really like this stuff.
  12. I tend to agree, it’s time to give it the old yeller treatment.
  13. This is largely a dynamic that exists in your head and is the part of your schtick that gets tiresome. Everyone is rooting for covid to go away. If Georgia does great, I’ll be very encouraged.
  14. I’d be interested to know if social distancing is possible in the sorting facilities, maybe @dailylurker can speak to this.
  15. So we just give up and say you’re on your own delivery workers? Get your own PPE and hope your employer takes it seriously?
  16. The way to keep these businesses humming is to make sure that employees are safe. Arguing against removing liability is not “demanding more regulations”.
  17. This is why not making liability protection for companies a number 1 priority is a good idea. If you remove the liability of having safe work environments employers will have no motivation to deal with situations like this.
  18. I do agree schools will probably make some changes and unions will probably push for protections. I’m guessing you’re against that?
  19. Why would nothing have changed? I can think of a lot of reasons why the risk could be lower in August. Continued impact of social distancing, possible effects of warmers temperatures, more widespread testing and contact tracing.
  20. It’s also possible the strain on NY’s healthcare system explains some of the difference as compared to CA. Since NY’s hospitals we near or over capacity it’s possible the care, on average, wasn’t as good.
  21. Correct. Hey we actually agree on something!
  22. Those are case fatality rates with the Spanish flu, so if you wanna compare that you need to compare it to case fatality rates of covid, which are also quite high. I’m not sure how instructive the comparison is though because of how much medical care has changed over the last 100 years. ETA: current case fatality for covid is 5.7%
  23. Only 14% percent positive in Maryland, good sign, also the hospitalizations are down again!
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