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Everything posted by SomeguyfromTakomaPark

  1. Well, opposite of @WxUSAF, just tested + for covid. Had a minor headache the last few days and a stuffy nose, went in to get tested just to be safe because I have regular exposure to someone who is immunocompromised.
  2. It would be hard to overstate the amount of lightning I’m seeing to my south from takoma park. Saw some incredible gigantic Zeus bolts.
  3. So much lightning with this one....just nonstop rolling thunder and flashes.
  4. On that point, to each his own. As a teacher I only feel qualified to expertly teach my level of course (high school physics). If all of a sudden I’m trying to teach world history or reading to a kindergarten student I don’t think I’d do a great job.
  5. It’s hard to blame the school system for the failure of society at large. In order to open schools you needed to get a) transmission down to an extremely low level, b) have rapid testing results (like China), and c) have enough contact tracers to track down contacts. In the northeast we’ve mostly succeeded at A, and in some places (MA, DC, VT, NY) at C but not really at B. You really need to have all 3 to open up safely.
  6. I was in a gas station off I-81 near the 3 really big crosses and no one had a mask on in there.
  7. Agree totally, also doesn’t help that schools really water down the grading policy. In dcps all the kids automatically passed for the most part, once they figured that out most of them didn’t log on very frequently.
  8. Wow it is way grosser than yesterday morning, dew points 74-77 around my area.
  9. It’s been pouring here basically all night, well over an inch of rain now.
  10. Heck of a storm in takoma park, we’ve been getting hit quite a bit here this summer. Nice for me cause I planted new sod this year.
  11. That does seem fun. Teaching at that level seems like a different universe than teaching high school.
  12. I know this probably isn't even being considered, but outdoor classes would be a good solution. This would especially make sense for rural districts that have more space. You'd need to set up those big carnival tents and figure out bathrooms and stuff, and of course you'd have to deal with the kids and families complaining about the bugs/heat/cold/whatever, but IMO it's a much better solution than Zoom classes. As a teacher I'd be excited to do it, all I'd need is some kind of portable white board. In this region we could probably run it almost to Thanksgiving without major problems.
  13. Pretty impressive heat again today, 99 in Silver Spring, 100 in Chevy Chase, 101 at the zoo.
  14. Clear sky, lower dew points, 90 already at DCA, maybe today we hit 100.
  15. Are these mammatus clouds? Saw them this evening in takoma park.
  16. Had a 99/74 HI 110 observation at DCA. That’s properly gross!
  17. 96/77 on the official station in silver spring for a HI of 111, highest this year so far.
  18. It’s actually breezy with good cloud cover right now in takoma park. Actually pretty pleasant at the park with my kids...for now.
  19. 90/70 at DCA before 9 am, good shot at 100 today.
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