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Everything posted by SomeguyfromTakomaPark

  1. Thats the 12z GEFS from Friday. Not disputing your point though.
  2. There is no disappointment for me on this one. I’ll put this in the “know your climate” bucket. Storm racing up the coast after a 50 degree day. Everyone should know what to expect with that. I’m happy to watch some big fatties falling and things briefly whiten up.
  3. Well this has been a fun little event. About what I expected based on my climo which is an inch or two of slop, but pretty to look at and I sure won’t say no to more events like this.
  4. Yeah it seems like we end up sniffing the fumes of these bands more often than not. Maybe it’ll actually swing west to east through our area this time.
  5. Caught in the exhaust from that deathband west of town. Down to light/mod snow.
  6. Ashburn/Reston getting crushed right now per radar.
  7. Down to 32 now with SN+, very nice. I’m sure once the rates drops we’ll spike to 35 but it’s nice now that’s for sure.
  8. Temp dropped to 33 now in the heavy snow, starting to look pretty after 5 minutes of this hahaha.
  9. Wow all of a sudden gone over to heavy snow in Takoma Park. Whitening cold surfaces instantly.
  10. If the temps drop a couple more degrees it’ll be nice. 34 with moderate snow in Takoma Park.
  11. Well there is no shortage of moisture here. Snowing hard with wet flakes. Temp down to 34.
  12. Well we’re certainly getting banded here in Takoma Park, just with heavy rain hahahaha. Oh well, at least the Super Bowl is still on today!
  13. Yeah I was up in Canaan during feb of 2015 for that big arctic front. I actually went out skiing during the passage of the front which was insane, total whiteout, almost couldn’t make it back visibility was so low. But the next day the high was around 0.
  14. I do find it entertaining that people see a once a decade paste job on the NAM and then are crushed it doesn’t happen right over their yard. I’ve lived in this area since 2009 and a paste job with massive rates that overcame dog poop temps and delivered big totals only worked out once, in 2011. I’ve seen it on the models many times though.
  15. Stereoscopic IPA from lagunitas, wanted to try a new IPA but I’m sick of those 8.5% 16oz cans for like $15.99 a 4-pack.
  16. 41/24 in Takoma park. Better than I was expecting!
  17. It’s decent if you’ve been keeping your expectations in check. We knew all along this was going to be a 32-34 event. Nothing much has changed except NAM QPF maps which always change run to run. The low is basically in the same spot.
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