Still can't believe how little I have used my AC this June, also it looks like largely BN temps on the EPS as far as the eye can see. I wish we had week/months of BN temps in the Jan/Feb!
Supposed to go camping at Cunningham Falls this weekend. Don't think I wanna sleep outside in a cloud of smoke. I was looking at the 48 hour HRRR and it looks like another plume Friday. Anyone know if it's supposed to clear up Saturday?
He’s not wrong. GFS solution is white rain. No high pressure, not cold enough. If that plays out it’ll be 37 in DC. Far NW is where you wanna be in mid March unless we get some truly anomalous cold.
Another 10 day good pattern! This will be the one guys lol. Whatever at this point. Unless we get super anamolous cold I don't even care about march snow. 34 degree white rain after this failed season isn't gonna get the job done.