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Posts posted by SomeguyfromTakomaPark

  1. Another storm another nearly useless CWG forecast, low-medium confidence forecast of 2-6 inches lol.  For the record I love them and their articles but their snowmaps are brutal.  If you’re already using a 4 inch range and saying it’s low to medium you’re basically saying 0-10 inches….cmon guys.  Just pick a normal range and go with it. 

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  2. 1 minute ago, Amped said:

    Was in the 60s the day before the March 2018 snowstorm in Frederick.  Snow had no problem accumulating 18hrs later.

    Models are showing temps dropping 29/30F  in the city with upper 20s north and west.   Warm ground is a big factor when it's 32/33 and snowing lightly.  29 and dumping 2"/hr is going to be a flash freeze and a commutemageddon  if we didn't have the day off.


    Also we’re at the time of year where the sun won’t be roasting the stuff as fast as it falls.  I love snow this time of year. 

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  3. 8 minutes ago, DonnieB said:

    Congrats to the central VA folks...NAM's and now ICON focusing on that area.  



    Ooff! It’s never easy around here is it? I’ll certainly take the gfs/euro over the nam/icon though. 

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