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Everything posted by SomeguyfromTakomaPark

  1. I’ll tell you what didn’t struggle lol. Whatever model was on fox showing 3-5 when all the good models had dried up, what was that, the GRAF?
  2. I think the big one is gonna drop down on silver spring
  3. Paging @jonjon @nj2va you guys have a lotta experience up in the mountains. Tomorrow I could go ski up at whitegrass in Canaan valley, you think driving up there tomorrow morning in a 4wd crv with just regular tires (not snow tires) would be ok?
  4. It looks like they’ve already cleared the mountains
  5. Is this the inverted trough forming over dc now?
  6. Radar looking really good again for immediate dc metro
  7. I really like how the new precip appears to linking up with the existing band over us.
  8. Do you like our chances for some afternoon fun? HRRR seems a bit lost but it likes us for the afternoon stuff.
  9. I haven’t been accurately measuring because I’ve been out with my kids but I’m guessing 4+ right on the dc/takoma border and piling up quick with this high ratio stuff. Maybe gonna make a run at 6.
  10. Dc needs to be upgraded to a warning, this band is gonna do it.
  11. This band over dc rules!!! Dendrites! Piling up quick.
  12. Beautiful event, gotta be near 4 inches now, decent rates
  13. Look around warrenton and culpepper, filling in nicely.
  14. I am intrigued at the period of snow after 1pm the HRRR is advertising
  15. Can see some filling in now between culpepper and triangle.
  16. Maybe even more if we can get under some good banding.
  17. Shield is absolutely blossoming, looks anyone dc and north is gonna be in good shape.
  18. You can see it on the precipitation depiction RadarScope setting, right on schedule.
  19. Wow, looks like about 2 inches already. Beautiful! Everything totally white including roads.
  20. QPF looks better than the 12z run on pivotal. Edit: ends up about the same
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