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About SomeguyfromTakomaPark

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  1. 6z euro gets some snow showers this evening to the eastern part of our sub forum. With this cold even like 0.02 qpf can whiten things up. ETA: 3k NAM too
  2. Are you in that firehose band south of Watertown? Gonna be some gaudy totals in there. Did you bring XC skis or snowshoes?
  3. Flu has been tearing through this area, both my kids just had it. And yeah, why are they closing?
  4. Interesting, didn’t drop much between 10pm and 5am but now dropping, down to 11. Pretty cold for inside the beltway.
  5. Radiating quick, wonder if we can get down to single digits inside the beltway before clouds move in.
  6. Outside with my kids, it’s legit cold out there when the wind kicks up. I wonder if MCPS does a delay tomorrow for the cold.
  7. That’s pretty nice hopefully we can get this one from la la land to to just la land and eventually to a real threat. First threat looks light and warm.
  8. And so begins the models busting way low on temps. All these cold blasts have ended up like 10-15 degrees warmer than the models show from 5 days out.
  9. Yeah it showed snow for us like 30 times in a row then got smacked around by the Canadians at the last minute. SMH.
  10. Looks fairly disappointing in nyc according to my brother. Eyeballing a couple inches back edge racing through there now.
  11. Cool event, only about 0.5 maybe but we had 30-45 minutes of great conditions it looks wintry and it’s cold. Glad the northern folks cashed in. Really thought we’d get a few inches with this setup but the modeling was out to lunch with the QPF for us.
  12. Ok so the Euro AI got smacked around by the Canadians. I will remember this…consistency doesn’t necessarily mean correct. I don’t have a liquid equivalent measurement but I’m guessing I had like like .15 when that model was showing 0.4 for DC consistently.
  13. Yeah it’s funny cause they backed off that at the last minute, but would’ve been right if they kept it! Then the RGEM showed a very wrong 7 inch band over 95 lol.
  14. Well, nice finish. 0.5 everything is white again and we didn’t get shut out. Our good winter continues. 11.4 on the season pending these last few bands rolling through. Let’s enjoy the Siberian express folks!
  15. Now it’s time for me to hallucinate nonexistent pivots. But truly that was a sweet band. Totally took it from wet and sad to deep winter in a half hour.
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