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Everything posted by WeatherQ

  1. Looks like Millville, Ocean View, the DE/MD Beaches and the lower DelMarVa are gonna be the winners, eh?
  2. Leaving Cap Region Medical Center .. 29F .. about 4.7” on the ground
  3. Cap Region MC, Largo, MD, 32F … snow OTG
  4. Haven’t seen your name since NWS Philly on Arch Street back when I interned before the Mount Holly move when Chet and Dean were there! Hello Sir
  5. Didn’t you call that just before the 12Z suite. Banging clairvoyance
  6. Checking in from less than 1 Mi off the Tri State Marker (DE/MD/PA) in extreme NE MD (mail address Elkton MD/techncially Appleton MD) 30F/9F RH 40% hoping for 8” + happy with 6”
  7. Well .. New Castle Co DE Emergency Operations Division is getting very interested which bodes well for NE MD and the upper Eastern Shore… they titled this flash “Surprise Snow Storm”
  8. Ok MillvilleWx .. I need your no BS assessment … we have 2 globals and multiple regionals now with the NEMD crushed signal .. The RAP shows a perfect SLP pass off ORF … what’s the red tagger thought?
  9. University of MD Medical System Bel Air MD Warm and Dry feels like 87F Heat Index 105F oh … moderate snow outside ambulances getting covered
  10. 751 days without measurable snow … and now 2 storms in a week. El Niño … you rock! NE MD - New London Rd (Elkton) + Flakage 28F/77% RH BP 998 mb my BP 300/150 driving to hospital!
  11. Emergency Room —- so I’ll be busy with falls, shoveling cardiacs, respiratory due to cold air and inevitable snowblower injuries and back pain … sorry Mods … banter .. but thx Deck Pic! Don’t come visit! Any of you! Stay safe!
  12. Not likely … I’ll slug down 95 .. nice and slow and hopefully see some rakeage flakeage. Radar returns already starting to light up west of us … atmosphere must be pre-gaming
  13. Actually posted WSW 5-6” for MD/DE line. Do I get my bingo piece for NE MD jackpot? Have to pull a shift in UMMS Hospital tmrw … should be an interesting commute
  14. First light and my 6 yo rescued puppers isn’t quite sure what this POWDAH is ,… LOL. several 4” lollies at 3 separate places. The official deck is 3.85” with some sleet crunch compaction. Gorgeous view … missed it! 27F/77%RH 1001 mb pressure wind - calm loc: NE MD - extreme NE Cecil County -New London Road (border PA/MD/DE)
  15. Really moderate fine powdah … 1.9 in 27F/68% RH BPress 1012 mb Locality: NE MD - NE of Elkton MD
  16. Heavy clouds with Full on Snizzle … just E of the very NE tip of NE MD by the Tri State Marker (MD/PA/DE) convergence .. for those that know .. White Clay Creek State Park .. New London Road 27F/64%RH BP 1012 mb
  17. Does the Atlantic get more “blocky” if the Wstrn Canadian trough relaxes or does it just allow for more confluence towards the East Coast? I’m trying to picture the upper air physics in how you’ve described the WCand airmass
  18. Pretty certain this is the best post of the day. “you’re gonna need a bigger boat” (or Omega block)
  19. Near Elkton MD … pretty scene … the Start of a Nino winter??? anyone have a statistical nod to how we do in Nino winters when first measurable snow is before Dec. 10??
  20. Straight up cray cray. But I do love it here ER Nurse Practitioner
  21. Give yourself a pass and a break. Very much enjoy your commentary
  22. 1. Rachmaninoff 2. Ludwig v B 3. Wolfe and the NS seems to be on a dig
  23. 40% of the Euro ENS (20/50 members) were absolute crushers … or is that a bad ensemble run after a bad op run? Clarify: meaning the Euro has moved towards a GFSish outcome.
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