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Everything posted by JenkinsJinkies

  1. So 95 and east, you think we should announce last rites?
  2. Still though there is a nonzero chance that there may not be any more snow after this. Not because of torching but because of dryness.
  3. What's worse is after this there's nothing. Anything mentioned in the long range is far enough away that it can disappear and there's talk of a warmup for a large chunk of February.
  4. This will be posted on r/agedlikemilk in about 3 hours
  5. Temps aren't the exclusive "what went wrong" scenario.
  6. I wonder if we'll get a "what went wrong" writeup?
  7. If the Feb stuff in the long range happens then this might be it for the season
  8. So is there anything in the mid range to look forward to or is this going to be it for a while?
  9. When was the last time it took until late Jan to get our first real bust?
  10. NOAA released its 3 month outlook for Feb-Mar-Apr, it favors above average temps in the east. Looks like we can’t score outside of January anymore.
  11. "I'll make my own snow storm, with blackjack and hookers! In fact, forget the snow storm!" - NAM on January 16, 2025
  12. Well given our recent track record it wouldn’t be surprising. DC was less than an inch away from reaching climo and the very next year was a wall to wall snowless torch. That alone stings but I think we all can agree it hurts worse when the season before it was “so close and yet so far”
  13. If southern lowland NC gets 2 feet and we get shafted then I have a bad feeling that next winter will be a wall to wall snowless torch so that way it stings even more.
  14. It’s now thought it was actually the water supply getting contaminated by sewage and he died of a bacterial infection.
  15. When was the last time the first football of the season waited until late January?
  16. At this point last year pac puke started showing up on the medium range, this time it's at the very end on long range and it's very likely to get can kicked again.
  17. Weenies between November and March
  18. Well that was also the case in recent seasons and they still stopped short. Reminder that DC was less than an inch away from reaching climo in 21-22, it stopped short because one of the final snow events had too much warm air at higher altitudes and it was mostly graupel.
  19. I'm thinking the most likely outcome this season is more than last year but still below climo. It'll be colder than last year too.
  20. An AI based model flip flops a week out and suddenly we’ve got cliff jumpers. If the models still show that on Thursday then you can take the whining to the panic room.
  21. They got burned one too many times so now they can't properly enjoy a great pattern because they'll always expect a rug pull.
  22. If this plays out 2025 joins the ranks of 2016 and 2003
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