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Everything posted by JenkinsJinkies

  1. Why is it when it looks like we're about to get a sustained wet pattern over the past couple years it collapses at the last minute?
  2. I'm not buying next year being a Niño, Niñas tend to double dip and while this year was a late bloomer a Niña is still a Niña. This time last year ENSO long range was showing a Super Niña for January and the general vibe here was we would have to travel to see snow, with potential for a 22-23 redux. We all know how that turned out.
  3. What are the chances we get another 2016 style storm before 2030?
  4. Is this going to be a log book event? A discussion no one wants to have event? Or is it just Niña being a Niña and our turn will come in a better ENSO state should this PDO improvement stick?
  5. In fairness that was more a response to some of the spiraling panic posts over the past few years.
  6. At the very least this proves we haven't permanently lost the ability to get these big storms given how this miss materializes.
  7. So if eastern NC and southern VA score then does that mean that we still have a chance at those 2ft+ snows in future winters?
  8. DCA is already above climo for the 1991-2020 average.
  9. Looks like a boom. Been a while since we’ve been in a boom scenario for snow.
  10. Flakes started in Parkville 10 minutes ago
  11. And that's April 4th because the can kicked torch pattern will finally get us by then.
  12. I think it's because the sun raises temps (yes I'm aware that snowfall rates can counteract a warmer ground) and that clouds breaking up now could translate to more dry slots than expected once it comes through later.
  13. The Appalachians are doing their rain shadow thing again.
  14. I could see them calling a delay tonight, and at 5:30am close. I partially envy the kids today, the county closes for stuff they only delayed for in my day. However distance learning didn't exist back then so if I had multiple snow days I had those days off. I had an extended Christmas break in 2009, a week and a half off 2 months later, and about the same amount of time off Senior year.
  15. I wonder how long it'll take Baltimore County to make the call for tomorrow? They're notorious for dragging their feet, especially if it's a 2hr delay with a morning re-evaluation.
  16. These days they'll just do it over zoom if they go over the allotted snow days.
  17. So you mean to tell me it can be possible for the deep south to score like it did and we permanently lose those big once/twice in a decade big snows?
  18. The 2nd Diary of A Wimpy Kid book. It came out in 2008.
  19. Maestro in the moments leading up to a nonevent, March 5 2001, digitized
  20. It's 10 days out and it looks like the pattern didn't collapse.
  21. I scrolled by so fast I misread it as AVGN blend
  22. How did yo handle the similar flop in 2013?
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