Looked at Accuweather’s monthly forecast page, DCA didn’t have a single 70 degree day for the entire DJF period. A few days came close but the highest temperature reached was 69.
With this Nina being a late bloomer the typical crap pattern still happened, but it was shifted by 2 months. So instead of having this Christmas week we're having it now.
It's this pattern we've had since 2023, every time there's a big rain that looks like it'll end a dry pattern it instead gets followed by 3 weeks of wall to wall low humidity cloudless days. If this winter was a torch I would be wondering if we had swapped climates with California sometime over the last 2 years.
I guessing because of how January went and how it was a wall to wall cold season I guess that’s we’re not getting a “what went wrong” thread for the pattern collapse.
Maybe we could do a “When is it going to be our turn” thread?
The posts I'm referring to were getting the point across via subtext, reading between the lines shows how they were feeling. They were also not saying it'll never snow at all again, they were saying that a 2016 style event may not happen again.