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About Shad

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Location:
    Northern Neck

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  1. Anybody got the AIFS 24 hour precip output for next Thurs.....was curious how it compared to 6z
  2. I get it out to 120hrs at the surface pretty quick, looks very similar to GFS
  3. Candian at surface looks very similar to GFS.....will be interesting to see what Dr. No says
  4. Big Improvements on the CMC......this Euro run is going to be interesting
  5. GFS is so bad....for what its worth CMC and ICON look pretty similar at 132
  6. someone once told me the trend is your friend?
  7. One more northern jump like that with the ICON and we will be in business....nice trends so far with the 12z suite
  8. ICON looks a bit more juicy at 120, lets see where it goes
  9. what did the 06z euro look like for Sunday?
  10. Canadian looks healthy at 168....wow what a difference from the GFS
  11. yea GFS looks alot different at the surface compared to 12z
  12. low 20s and sleet.....that would be painful!
  13. Euro says mixing into central VA.......wasnt expecting that! i have a feeling this ones going to be all over the place the next 3-4 runs
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