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About nmyers1204

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Location:
    Frederick MD

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  1. 550 will get you up to Cascade from 15. I’m not sure of the local roads but look for Penn Mar park and then there’s an access road leading up to get to HR.
  2. Drive up to High Rock, 2K ft. Allows you to check out Ft. Richie and surrounding areas.
  3. Buddy in college used to say, double it for the mountain. Jacks Mt would usually cover that spread when comparing to Emmitsburg for smaller events (3-6,4-8). Halloween storm years ago really illustrated the elevation impact.
  4. Early Feb/Mar 2014, FRD got upwards of 20” in one storm. Was living in Wormans with two college buddies. My Wrangler was perfect to keep my parking space free. Never shoveled the spot and no one tried to park there due to depth. Oh the good days!
  5. Don’t know either, but damn did the humidity suck.
  6. We’re lucking out on this second wave. Much needed rain to cool stuff down. AC had been out last few days and we hit 92* inside yesterday. Thankfully it’s slowly coming back
  7. Congratulations! We seem to have been between both cells in Buckeystown/Bal Creek so it’s still fried down here. Garden is doing great, broccoli, squash and pumpkins.
  8. Yeah old Hogback and Furnace Mts really dried things up in Frederick Wednesday. Today is just one of those days where the rain says, “yeah I’m not going north, I’m tired.”
  9. This weather is awful. Thought we lived in Mid-Atlantic and not Deep South. Feels like we live in the Devil’s taint. How I know, I dunno
  10. WMA drainage ditch is making mi casa a waterfront property!
  11. High 101 w/ 113 HI current 100 w/ 114 HI
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