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The Waterboy

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Everything posted by The Waterboy

  1. It also had the same narrow band at hr 48 that the HRRR shows.
  2. Looks like the 12z NAM will be better. And more in line with the GFS/Euro.
  3. Light snow in Bentonville. Not sure if it’s a minor wave of some type or lake effect off of Beaver Lake???
  4. That was an odd outcome on the NAM. I’ll take it for me personally but weird nonetheless.
  5. That’s right! Totally forgot that. No, I don’t have a subscription. That explains a majority of it. I like the WB map much better anyway!
  6. This map looks completely different than the Pivotal Kuchera map. And by a lot. Pivotal shows the heaviest amounts up through Central Ark and 10” for OKC. How are the two off by so much?
  7. I don’t fundamentally disagree with your statement. However, this will be happening with very cold temps so I would say it’s more plausible than normal. In a typical situation I don’t look at Kuchera ever.
  8. Can someone post the 06 v16 clown map? It’s insanity but fun to look at. 3 feet for Tulsa.
  9. It’s hard not to already be excited about the possibilities even though there are plenty of opportunities to screw us over. The GFS has stood its ground since at least Monday. Maybe we can all breathe a bit easier in about 48 hours once this gets sampled. I’ll admit it, I’m giddy...
  10. 06z GFSv16 finally out to be 108 on Pivotal. Still looks solid. Looks better than the 06z GFS. The storm is just getting to AR/MO at 96. Having issues on my phone posting the map.
  11. Looks like the GFSv16 is having issues running again. It’s been stuck on hr90 for a while now.
  12. I wonder if this takes into consideration the higher 15-20:1 ratios. Any idea since it’s a blend?
  13. I’m right there with you. Optimism is the name of the game for now. Plenty of time to be pissed later if this all falls apart.
  14. I was just thinking that too but then I told myself it’s the NAM at 84. Ha! Regardless, very good look if we extrapolate it out the next 3 or 4 frames.
  15. This is just through 150. More falls after that. I’m sure you’ll repost the update once it finishing running.
  16. And the Canadian explodes for the Wed/Thurs system. Wow!!!
  17. In my opinion things still look good for all of us. The GFS has been the most consistent run to run by far and the V16 is still a crush for all. The Canadian is all over the place but at least it has the Mon/Tues storm now. Even the NAM at 78-84 (Ha!!!) even took a step in the right direction. That’s all the optimism I have for now!
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