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Everything posted by Powerball

  1. None of the other governors stepped down when they made alleged missteps with their handling of the virus. I don't think we should hold Whitmer to such a standard either.
  2. Yes. Like I said, I didn't call anyone silly, and I don't appreciate you claiming that I did when it's not true.
  3. You said I called *PEOPLE* silly, which was another lie. Why do you insist on spreading more falsehoods and moving goal posts?
  4. lol. I've heard everything now.
  5. The vaccines are being distributed according to population. If more are sent to Michigan, then other states would get fewer doses. Also, even if they sent more vaccines, it wouldn't do anything to stop the surge now since it takes two weeks before it provides immunity. That said, the Biden administration has taken other action to help with Michigan's surge in COVID cases: https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/biden-to-rush-vaccinators-to-michigan-as-gov-urges-limits/2483025/
  6. I didn't call anyone silly. Don't put words in my mouth. I said it was completely unrealistic, and given that *ALL* people won't even be close to *FULLY* vaccinated by the Summer, my opinion still stands that the idea we'll be maskless by the Summer is completely unrealistic.
  7. There's a difference between having a difference of opinion, and making a proclamation as if it's a fact. If they had said, for example: "Based on the current vaccination numbers being reported by the CDC, I feel comfortable engaging in normal activities again." ^^^That's one thing. But instead, when they make authoritative statements like: "Once 60 - 70% of people are vaccinated, we'll reach herd immunity" or "80% of people are vaccinated." or "We'll be at herd immunty by the end of May." ^^^Those are problematic comments because they're factually incorrect and not backed by any scientific evidence, thus should be called out as such.
  8. You posted that 80% of people are vaccinated. That's not true, and most definitely misleading if you meant to say something else. For you to claim you got that information from the CDC, who said nothing of the sort, is also dishonest.
  9. CDC chief says Michigan should ‘shut things down,’ vaccinating alone won’t stop Covid surge https://www.cnbc.com/2021/04/12/covid-shutdown-cdc-chief-says-vaccinating-alone-wont-stop-michigan-covid-surge.html
  10. For your information, this is the post I was referring to: Again, the CDC has said nothing of the sort. Furthermore, the poster you're referring to has been moving the goal posts. This is what they originally said (and BTW, they didn't specify they were talking about people age 16+ in this post): In any event, this is what the CDC has actually said: 1. Individuals are not fully vaccinated until they receive 2 doses. 2. Their definition of herd immunity accounts for people of *ALL* ages being *FULLY* vaccinated. 3. The herd immunity threshold is still unknown. I don't know what you're trying to gain from running interference for people who are not being truthful and instead seek to mislead. But just know that covering for propagandists never ends well for you.
  11. Or, you can just not attend large gatherings at all like the scientists at the CDC have advised. I know everyone'a different, but I'm not in a hurry to get in the middle of a crowd.
  12. Ok, thanks for clarifying. The CDC is still advising against attending large gatherings, even if you're fully vaccinated.
  13. Whatever data they claim to be posting from the CDC has been, as I said, used out of context by individuals in this thread. Also, the claim someone made about 80% of people being fully vaccinated certainly didn't come from the CDC.
  14. I brought up football games because it is a type of gathering, and @MJO812 didn't specify what type of gatherings he was referring to. Also, more than one other user did brag about attending sport events at thir first opportunity. Point being, the CDC has not given the OK to attend all types of gatherings. They are very specific on the type of gatherings fully vaccinated people should and should not attend.
  15. I'm not sure what your point is. What's mandated and not has always been up to the states since the beginning of the pandemic. Since there was a question about what the CDC says (and they've always been just guidelines), I thought I'd post a link directly to the source so we're not baselessly speculating. But it is interesting to me that some folks in this thread claim to be relying on what the CDC says, and then in the same breath cry about doing their own thing when they disagree with the CDC's guidelines.
  16. This is what the CDC said: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/fully-vaccinated.html It says only gather around folks who have also been fully vaccinated or are not at high risk. It specifically says *DON'T* attend medium / large gathering (such as Football games), and *DON'T* be around high-risk people indoors without a mask
  17. No, they are not. Instead, you have a bunch of people in an echo chamber who are only hearing what they want to hear and taking bits and pieces of information out of context because they're so desperate for life to return back to the normal they had grown accustomed to in 2019. I get it, times have been trying. But the fact of the matter is, as a nation we still have a long ways to go before the coronavirus no longer dictates the way we live.
  18. When you're misconstruing when the CDC/government is saying, you're still spreading false information.
  19. I never said that. I do, however, take issue with people spreading false information about the virus like several individuals are doing in this thread.
  20. If that's the case, you can't also go around pedalling the effectiveness rates for fully vaccinationed individuals at the same time. Again, spreading misinformation. Furthermore, this herd immunity threshold you're hoping we reach is with the assumption that a percentage of americans amongst *ALL* age groups are *FULLY* vaccinated. Hate to break it to you, but per the numbers I sourced earlier, we're not even close to that point.
  21. You're not fully vaccinated with just one dose though. What don't you understand about that?
  22. Perhaps reading isn't your strong suit either. I'm not sure what "severe disease as defined by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)" means, but this part is definitely clear (which the original poster conveniently omitted in their citation): "This vaccine is 95.3% effective against severe COVID-19 as defined by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)." So like I said, you can still catch the virus and suffer from severe symptons despite being vaccinated. A vaccine merely reduces the chances of that happening (not eliminate them). In the case of the Pfizer vaccine, it seems to greatly reduce those chances (but still not eliminate them). However, Pfizer that's only one of several vaccines that Americans are taking.
  23. That's not what you just said earlier:
  24. Some of you don't understand how vaccinations work. First of all, "80% of them" have not been fully vaccinated yet. I'm not sure who pulled that number out of their ass, but they're spreading false information. The fact is, only 1/3 of the US population has received their first shot and oly 21% of the US population has been fully vaccinated. https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/public-health/states-ranked-by-percentage-of-covid-19-vaccines-administered.html Second, you can still catch the virus and suffer from severe symptons despite being vaccinated. A vaccine merely reduces the chances of that happening (not eliminate them). And if you're someone with pre-existing conditions or a weakened immune system, the vaccination's effectiveness won't be as strong. Even here in Texas, every major retailer / restaurant (including Texas-based establishments) is still mandating masks. And in work spaces, they're still enforcing mask wearing and 6 feet social distancing.
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