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Everything posted by Powerball

  1. If you consider the areas with positive temperature departures on that map "chilly," I'm afraid to know what you would consider "warm."
  2. Agreed. We get it. A healthy lifestyle can reduce the risk of contracting COVID and experiecing severe symptoms. But we don't have to keeping hearing it 27 times over again from the same person(s), who in all truthfulness is probably just trying to humblebrag.
  3. After issuing a stay-at-home order last week, it seems officials in Ontario are considering more restrictions as a string of COVID-19 records have been smashed as cited by their chief medical officer. https://ottawacitizen.com/news/local-news/covid-19-ontario-sets-record-with-4736-new-cases-field-hospital-being-readied-in-toronto
  4. The conclusion about herd immunity by UCL (that is also being repeated here) based on that data is what's being disputed.
  5. First of all, there are notable differences culturally and demographically between countries like the UK and US to suggest what happens there will also happen here. But also, the "data" you're referencing is being hotly disputed by scientists. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/apr/09/ucl-team-claim-covid-19-herd-immunity-achieved-uk-disputed-scientists
  6. We can't have it both ways. In this thread, there was at least one complaint about the government not being transparent enough with the general public about vaccine reserch. I think it's perfectly reasonable to ensure everyone has the expectation that the currently recommended 2 doses may not be enough for protection as more research is done, so that people are prepared if that day comes.
  7. There's another article from CNBC this morning where it's reported Dr. Fauci also said Booster shots may be needed. He goes into detail as to why: https://www.cnbc.com/2021/04/15/dr-fauci-when-we-will-need-booster-shots-for-covid-vaccine-timeline.html
  8. All we know is the CDC has said: 1. Herd immunity will be achieved when a percentage of the *TOTAL* population is fully vaccinated. 2. That percentage is still known. Anything beyond what the CDC has said is conjecture not based on any scientific evidence about this virus.
  9. So the bolded is something President Biden will have to clear up with his staff, as he seems to think Pfizer's CEO provides at least some value as a communicator about the vaccine if he invited him to his press conference.
  10. I'll stick to the measure scientists at the CDC and FDA are using to evaluate when herd immunity is achieved.
  11. Like I said, I'm quite certain the CEO of the 2nd largest pharmaceutical company in the world has frequent enough communications wth our top medical experts (that the general public is not always privy to) to not just be shooting from their hip when making these comments. To inmediately suspect a conspiracy comes across as paranoid and irrational (intentionally or not).
  12. Should note, the same article reports David Kessler (Biden's Chief Science Officer) also said that Americans should expect to receive booster shots to protect against variants, although he did acknowledge (as we all know) there's still a lot we're learning about the virus and didn't go into further detail.
  13. Sure, that's why I emphasized his comment was a suggestion. That said, the medical community hasn't ruled out the possibility either and I'm quite certain the CEO of the 2nd largest pharmaceutical company in the world has frequent enough communications wth our top medical experts (that the general public is not always privy to) to not just be shooting from their hip when making these comments.
  14. It is recommended now that we take the Flu shot every year. If in fact we never achieve herd immunity, a booster requirement could easily be a possibly. Not everything is a big business conspiracy.
  15. I'd be interested to see if the individuals who are so gung ho about getting everyone vaccinated so quickly after crying about the lockdowns and mask mandates for the past 1+ year show that same energy if booster shots or additional doses are required several months/years from now. I tend to think the individuals in question are just using this as a ruse to force a return back to their own normal lives ASAP, and not legitimate ongoing concern about the health of others around them. But that's just my opinion and the cynic in me.
  16. The CEO of Pfizer is now suggesting a third dose of their vaccine would be required within 12 months. Not only that, but a booster shot would possibly be required annually. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/04/15/pfizer-ceo-says-third-covid-vaccine-dose-likely-needed-within-12-months.html
  17. The article says only 37% of the *TOTAL* population has received one shot, which is what the CDC reports. The CDC has also been clear that herd immunity is achieved once a percentage of the *TOTAL population fully vaccinated (although that percentage is still unknown), not just adults.
  18. The data for what? This was an article where the ex-FDA chief gave his opinion on vaccination trends going forward and the prospect for acheiving herd immunity, based on his knowledge and observations.
  19. Ex-FDA Chief Sees 'Struggle' To Vaccinate More Than Half U.S. Population https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2021/04/14/987265125/ex-fda-chief-sees-struggle-to-vaccinate-more-than-half-u-s-population
  20. Nearly 7 million Americans might not get a COVID-19 vaccine because they don’t know it’s free https://fortune.com/2021/03/10/covid-vaccine-free-people-not-getting-coronavirus-vaccines-cost-price/
  21. 'Masks work': South Carolina's top health official says it's too early to drop mask mandates https://www.wcnc.com/article/news/health/coronavirus/south-carolina-health-director-face-mask-mandatory-spread-covid/275-60939c64-2f51-45b4-8171-a292989d2b20
  22. Yeah, I can agree the optics are poor. Still, let some people tell it given the reactions, she just murdered Baby Jesus. In reality, she didn't do anything against scientific recommendations based on the information we have, and we don't have all of the details.
  23. Just to provide some context and corrections to this misleading and agenda-driven post: 1. The State of Michigan confirmed the director has been fully vaccinated. 2. The CDC's guidelines say it's ok for fully vaccinated people to travel. 3. We don't know what activities the director partaked in while on vacation. 4. Michigan's current health director has not ordered or even recommended to Governor Whitmer (at least not on record) that the state lock down
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