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Everything posted by Powerball

  1. It seems like for the first time in forever, Detroit is finally getting some severe action.
  2. Calling this May a gradient month would be an understatement. We've been pushing 90*F here for the past several days (10 degrees above normal) with plenty of sun. I know one person who's probably not complaining though, lol.
  3. Where do I place my bets against that happening? Even 1992 and 2009 had a couple 90*F+ days, lol.
  4. Not sure about the other sites, but ATL's record was broken. It didn't fall below 60*F (with a low of 59*F) until 10/11. Also, ATL's first negative departure day since 8/25 was 10/12, with a departure of -2*C.
  5. The grid officially calls for 90'*F here on Friday, and 88*F on Thursday and Saturday.
  6. FWIW, the humidity has dropped off a bit. Dewpoints are now in the low 60s, lol.
  7. GGEM pops a massive 594+ DM ridge over NC by the end of its run (240hr).
  8. With a +NAO / -PNA? Don't hold your breath
  9. And beyond if its heights at 384hr were any sign. It has support from the EURO/GGEM (through 240hr) too.
  10. Just awful... We're practically into April, not mid-January!
  11. I'm seeing Sleet. Temps aloft are too warm for snow.
  12. It's still ended up pretty good, but not as good as the initial frames suggested. The QPF in the cold sector dropped off somewhat.
  13. NAM started out good, then it crapped out as thing shifted out of AL.
  14. Looks like all of the models are starting to narrow in on amounts between 2-3" here, which would be impressive if it happens.
  15. You guys can blame and/or thank me for the snow. I brought it down with me from Detroit. You're welcome.
  16. The only useful degrees in the future will be medical and business (finance-related) degrees. So basically, forget the art degrees everyone. Those degrees are useless. Just ask any 20-something Liberal Arts, Philosophy, English, Communications, etc. grduates working at McDonalds. And for those who are just starting college or plan on attending college, you should REALLY consider getting more than one degree. Not only will it be cheaper getting 2 at once than 2 seperately, but the competition between people with bachelor or even master degrees is getting too fierce for one to stand out with just one degree. Welcome to the new America!!!
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