Even down there, where the average yearly snowfall is a whopping 2", there's plenty of banter about the lack of winter weather from fellow enthusiasts. Yet, what's funny about it though is that they would kill to experience the "less than impressive" Winter you guys are having this season (that was, in small part, why SnowlessinCarollton was excited to come up to your neck of the woods).
I'm just amused by the reactions about this current storm system along with responses from folks like beavis1729 about winter as a whole followed by michsnowfreak coming in to bring folks in from off the ledge (and yes, he's not wrong).
I don't have to be reminded that I did a ton of whining about the lack of Big Dog storms when I was still there, but that aside, even I will acknowledge you all have had an overall impressive stretch of winters in the last 15 years. So the feelings of despair from some clashing with michsnowfreak's relentless positivity in somewhat bad winters that could be much worse intrigues me, and I'd hate to see what the discourse is like if one of those sub-20" winters happened.