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Everything posted by iceman1

  1. hi i hope everyone had a nice xmas . dec is just about done lets see how cold and snowy it gets in jan .
  2. wow this place is slow we need a big January
  3. wow what a nasty storm to bad it wasn't snow . will get snow soon
  4. you have to believe mother nature will come through.
  5. I don't count on having a white xmas anymore. if it happens it's just a bonus. that why i am looking for a place up in NH where you know it will snow.
  6. well here i got 4.45 inches of the wet stuff winds were nothing much peak gust was 15 mph . it was nice up in Kennebunkport over the weekend drove home into the rain on Sunday.
  7. looks like snow feels like snow radar showing its snowing look out the window nothing
  8. heading up to Kennebunkport ME for the weekend was hoping for snow.
  9. and the last 2 weeks and Jan and so on cant i use my gut feeling
  10. going to be a close call for ct on the fourth alittle more south with the rain snow line would be nice
  11. fact is i got nothing last year if you dont like my post sorry move on i am just stating that my area got crap for snow all winter
  12. why you dont like facts i did use my snow blower once last winter
  13. and the last 2 weeks and Jan and so on
  14. that's why i am looking for a second home in NH ,VT up state NY i will find a cabin as prices come down and have a white xmas for the rest of my days
  15. no was on another forum but its closed a few months ago and i retired now looking for a new home.
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