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About jgentworth

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  1. untrained eye, comparing to 12z, it looks like 18z heights out front are slightly steeper and the trough is slightly more neutral allowing the surface to be slightly (just a tick NW). 18z Precip shield seems a bit broader
  2. Found out that the HRRR is triggering for folks here. Pretty awesome jump from 06z to 12z to 18z nonetheless.
  3. Agreed - it kept showing a giant dry slot from Front Royal up through Loudoun to Gettysburg which had me concerned but Radar and my eyeballs said otherwise.
  4. 18z HRRR seems to be drier than the 12z NAM by a bit. But we're talking 15-20hrs on the HRRR which I think is probably out of its range a bit.
  5. The potential of the rare Snow on top of Snow event in Loudoun would be very much welcomed!
  6. The HRRR has been going bonkers with the amounts on top of the mountains to your NW. I saw 38" this morning, then 24" on the 12z & 13z runs. It is keeping the snow & mix in higher elevations until 1pm
  7. Indian Lake, PA checking in. What a wild morning. CAD is in place strong. Short range models have us staying Snow through 11am, then mixing until 1-2pm. Still have 5-8" before the change over. Have had near whiteout conditions when the wind gets going. 30° and heavy snow with 20-30mph winds.
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