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Maggie Valley Steve

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About Maggie Valley Steve

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Location:
    Maggie Valley

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  1. Reports I'm seeing suggests accumulations are increasing and virtually all of the freeway systems are snow covered. Snow is covering Seawall Blvd in Galveston at this time. A friend in Beaumont is reporting 3 inches and moderate snow. Jefferson County is under it's first Blizzard Warning since records have been kept back to the late 1800's,
  2. It was 10 at 3:30 this morning and has warned to a very balmy 13. There is a awfully thick cloud cover over the mountains. Virga watch today!
  3. Very likely. Models now will adjust to the ground truth of the precipitation organizing to our West. I wouldn't be surprised to see further changes with the 6Z and 12Z outputs tomorrow morning. It's down to 10 at the house now.
  4. The mission earlier will be ingested into the 00Z model output. I can report that snow has started all across all of SETX and back to San Antonio.
  5. Looks like an inch will be my total for this event. The wind likely cut down on what I could actually measure. This time the trees have a plaster on the N and W facing sides. Diamond Dust still lightly falling. Cataloochee did not post their overnight snowfall, but snow guns are blowing in the lower section of the Mountain.
  6. 11 this morning so far. It doesn't look like much more snow accumulated overnight.
  7. Winter Storm Warning is out for Houston! Enjoy Don! It certainly has not been the Winter that a lot of Long Range Prognosticators led us to believe!
  8. It's very squally out the tonight. Rates increase rather dramatically when they move thru and the ratios are not like what we typically see. A squall just moved through and dropped an inch.
  9. 29 and light to moderate snow at times. I slipped and busted my butt on the driveway. Salt is down now.
  10. Temperature is finally dropping. I hit 45 after a low of 39. It's back down to 38 with a few sleet pellets.
  11. Met1985 and I have discussed the radar issues in Haywood County. We need a radar here in WNC badly!
  12. GSP just lost their radar. Statement said it could be out for days waiting on parts. NWS GSP @NWSGSP GSP RADAR OUTAGE (1/19): KGSP is down for unscheduled maintenance, expect multiple days as parts are on the way to fix the issue. Here are links to access imagery from other radars until KGSP returns to service: https://weather.gov/gsp/alternateRadars… #scwx #ncwx #gawx
  13. How about those 20 to 1 ratios that GSP mentioned this morning! It was very foggy when I woke up this morning, but has lifted now. Radar upstream looking good and the Arctic front is nearing Knoxville.
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