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About PSUWhiteout70

  • Birthday 10/21/1970

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Grantville PA
  • Interests
    Golf, snow, beach.

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  1. My father coined that term 40+yrs. ago. lol. That's how long I've been chasing those bastards off his pond.
  2. Had a high temp. of 32deg. here today, currently at 31.
  3. Nope, those are the lazy ass freeloader geese that stay year-round now. All the others have flown south long ago. My father has a 1-acre pond that I have to chase these shit machines off of every other day because they eat all the feed he puts out for the geese he raises.
  4. Yeah, I saw that last night and checked my weather station and it was 52, same with Manada Gap station. Something seemed wrong about that as I'm only 6 miles from MUI. There's never a temp diff. like that.
  5. More than one of your posters. I had to replace a garage roof after a nor easter in the early 2000's can't remember the year, that and 4 big trees went down in my yard as well.
  6. Because of non-sense like this, that's why. https://slaynews.com/news/bill-gates-chop-down-70-million-acres-trees-fight-global-warming/
  7. I believe Bastardi has been talking about this happening for some time now, showing analogs patterns from like years. We shall see.
  8. Tolerance and compromise have gotten us into the mess we're in right now, and I'm not just talking about this msg. board.
  9. Thank you, I just put the 2 idiots on my block list. Good riddance to them both.
  10. Show me how to block those 2 idiots and the problem will be solved. Until then.......they get what they deserve.
  11. Zzzzzzzz. Take your schtick somewhere else, loser.
  12. Hey look, another Shittsburghian chiming in. Imagine that. Must be something in the water out there.
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